View Source Resources

Resources are datatypes which are managed by the BEAM reference-counted garbage collector. If you are passing data between function calls, generally it is best practice to pass them as a resource instead of as a pointer or a global variable.

For documentation of how resources work in general, see the erlang documentation on the topic. Note that the conveniences in beam.Resource generic type exist to make operations type-safe.

Resources are references

In managed language environments resources are passed as reference/0 tokens.

Under the hood the BEAM allocates a chunk of memory on resource creation, and this memory is cleared when the garbage collector is triggered. The BEAM also allows you to add in trigger hooks for when this event happens, so custom cleanup can be tied into these GC events.

Passing references between modules

This is not currently supported by Zigler, but support is planned.

Declaring a resource

In order to use a resource, you must do at a minimum three things:

  1. declare the resource in your use Zig directive, under the :resource key. This is a list of atoms, which match the name of the resource type.
  2. declare the wrapped type. This is the type of the data that is placed in the memory space of the resource.
  3. use beam.Resource to declare the resource type. note that this resource type must be pub.
defmodule ResourceTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  use Zig, 
    otp_app: :zigler,
    resources: [

  const beam = @import("beam");
  const root = @import("root");

  const MyStruct = struct {
      payload: u64

  pub const StructResource = beam.Resource(MyStruct, root, .{});

Using resources in functions

pub fn create_resource_term(number: u64) !beam.term {
    const res = try StructResource.create(.{.payload = number}, .{});
    return beam.make(res, .{});

pub fn retrieve_resource_term(term: beam.term) !u64 {
    const res = try beam.get(StructResource, term, .{});
    return res.unpack().payload;

test "lifecyle operations through terms" do
  resource = create_resource_term(47)
  assert is_reference(resource)
  assert 47 = retrieve_resource_term(resource)

Resources can be marshalled into and out of beam.term values using beam.make and beam.get functions as with any other types.

In order to convert between the resource type and the wrapped type, you'll need to use the create and unpack functions. Note that create is failable since under the hood it uses the BEAM resource allocator.

Direct marshalling

It's possible to directly return resources from a nif function and also pass them as parameters: The nif marshalling functions will be able to detect these types and assign them correctly.

pub fn create_resource_direct(number: u64) !StructResource {
    return StructResource.create(.{.payload = number}, .{});

pub fn retrieve_resource_direct(resource: StructResource) u64 {
    return resource.unpack().payload;

test "direct lifecyle operations" do
  resource = create_resource_direct(47)
  assert is_reference(resource)
  assert 47 = retrieve_resource_direct(resource)

test "must be the correct type of reference" do
  assert_raise ArgumentError, """
  errors were found at the given arguments:

    * 1st argument: 
       expected: reference (for `beam.Resource(MyStruct, @import(\"root\"), .{...})`)
       got: `%{payload: 42}`
  """, fn ->
    retrieve_resource_direct(%{payload: 42})

  non_resource_ref = make_ref()

  message = """
  errors were found at the given arguments:
    * 1st argument: 
       expected: reference (for `beam.Resource(MyStruct, @import(\"root\"), .{...})`)
       got: `#{inspect non_resource_ref}`
       note: the reference passed is not associated with a resource of the correct type

  assert_raise ArgumentError, message, fn ->

no coercion

You can't pass a term of the same type as the wrapped type and use it within the function.

Wrapping pointers and cleanup

In many cases you won't want to move large data structures into or out of the resource-allocated memory space; this incurs a data copy cost. In that case, you might want to store a pointer in the resource memory space.

In order to do properly clean up after this, you'll need to write a callback function and store it in a struct namespace that gets associated with the resource type in using the beam.Resource function .Callbacks option.

Note that the destructor can also be used in cases where other resources need to be cleaned up, for example file descriptors.

The following functions are supported in the Callbacks, and are all optional.

  • dtor: called when the GC collects the
  • stop: called on stop on behalf of e.enif_select
  • down: called on resource down, on behalf of e.enif_monitor_process
  • dyncall: called on dynamic resource call, on behalf of enif_dynamic_resource_call
pub const PointerResource = beam.Resource(*MyStruct, root, .{.Callbacks = PointerResourceCallbacks});

pub const PointerResourceCallbacks = struct {
    pub fn dtor(s: **MyStruct) void {

pub fn create_pointer_resource(number: u64) !PointerResource {
    const new_struct = try beam.allocator.create(MyStruct);
    new_struct.payload = number;
    return PointerResource.create(new_struct, .{});

pub fn retrieve_pointer_resource(resource: PointerResource) u64 {
    return resource.unpack().*.payload;

test "pointer-based lifecyle operations" do
  resource = create_pointer_resource(47)
  assert is_reference(resource)
  assert 47 = retrieve_pointer_resource(resource)

pointer allocation strategy

It is strongly recommended to use beam.allocator for your pointer payload allocators, as beam.allocator is undefined in the callback context.

alternatively, if you do use your own managed allocator, you can pack a pointer to the allocator into your datastructure and use this pointer to clean up.

Release and Keep

Resources are associated with release and keep functionality. These increment and decrement the reference count on the resource which allows a nif to prevent the GC from destroying the memory and calling the destructor. Normally the nif management functions select default release and keep settings so that the functions do the most expected outcome - nif functions keep resources while running and then release them when they're finished.

release on creation

A Struct resource is normally released on creation. This can be disabled by passing .release = false into the options parameter of beam.Resource(...).create(...)

keep on get

By default, beam.get will keep the resource when the internal term retrieved. This can be disabled by passing .keep = false into the options parameter of beam.get

get without keeping

for wrapped datatypes that require a cleanup step (e.g. pointers) it is not recommended to get without keeping, as there could be a race condition where dereferencing the pointer occurs after another nif running in a different OS thread has performed a cleanup against the same resource.

release when function argument

If a function is passed a beam.Resource(...) type, it will release it at the end of the call. This can be disabled by setting :noclean flag in the function argument options. (see nif options)

These functions are provided in the resource type as beam.Resource(...).release(...) and beam.Resource(...).keep(...) functions, respectively:

pub fn release(resource: StructResource) void {

pub fn keep(resource: StructResource) void {