View Source Raw nifs

All of the nifs shown to this point involve zigler constructing an adapter function with term marshalling automatically generated. It is also possible to run a nif without doing any of those steps.

The normal (C) header for a BEAM nif is as follows:

static ERL_NIF_TERM hello(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])

Zigler can interpret certain headers as intended for being called as a raw nif.

Allowed Signatures

The following two zig function signatures are interpreted as raw nifs:

  • fn (beam.env, c_int, [*]beam.term) beam.term
  • fn (beam.env, c_int, [*]e.ErlNifTerm) e.ErlNifTerm

nif options setup

A raw nif MUST contain the arity option. This can be one of:

  • a single integer, representing the desired arity of the nif function
  • a single range, representing a range of arities for the nif function
  • a list of integers and rannges, representing all the arities of the nif function.


defmodule RawCallTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  use Zig, 
    otp_app: :zigler,
    nifs: [
        raw_call_beam: [arity: 1],
        raw_call_erl_nif: [arity: 1],
        raw_call_multi_arity: [arity: [0, 2..3]]

  const beam = @import("beam");
  const e = @import("erl_nif");

  pub fn raw_call_beam(env: beam.env, count: c_int, list: [*]const beam.term) beam.term {
      return beam.make(.{.count = count, .item = list[0]}, .{.env = env});

  pub fn raw_call_erl_nif(env: beam.env, count: c_int, list: [*]const e.ErlNifTerm) e.ErlNifTerm {
      return beam.make(.{.count = count, .item = beam.term{.v = list[0]}}, .{.env = env}).v;

  pub fn raw_call_multi_arity(env: beam.env, arity: c_int, _: [*]const beam.term) beam.term {
      return beam.make(arity, .{.env = env});

  test "raw call with beam format" do
    assert %{count: 1, item: {:foo, "bar"}} = raw_call_beam({:foo, "bar"})
  test "raw call with erl_nif format" do
    assert %{count: 1, item: {:foo, "bar"}} = raw_call_erl_nif({:foo, "bar"})

  test "raw call with multiple arities" do
    assert 0 = raw_call_multi_arity()
    assert 2 = raw_call_multi_arity(:foo, :bar)
    assert 3 = raw_call_multi_arity(:foo, :bar, :baz)

    refute function_exported?(__MODULE__, :raw_call_multi_arity, 1)

beam.make and beam.get in raw nifs

Note that you MUST supply .{.env = env} in the options to beam.make or beam.get calls in raw nifs, or functions called by raw nifs. The threadlocal beam.context variable which normally stores the environment is not set when you make a raw call.