elixirfm v1.0.1 Elixirfm.Album
Functions for Last.fm Album endpoints.
Link to this section Summary
Get Album info.
Search for an album by name. Returns album matches sorted by relevance.
*requires auth Gets an Albums tags applied by an individual. If not authenticated, must pass username
Get the top tags for an album on Last.fm, ordered by popularity.
Link to this section Functions
Link to this function
info(artist, album, args \\ [username: "", lang: "eng"])
info(String.t(), String.t(), keyword()) :: Elixirfm.response()
Get Album info.
Link to this function
search(query, args \\ [limit: 5, page: 1])
search(String.t(), keyword()) :: Elixirfm.response()
Search for an album by name. Returns album matches sorted by relevance.
Link to this function
tags(artist, album, args \\ [])
*requires auth Gets an Albums tags applied by an individual. If not authenticated, must pass username
Link to this function
top_tags(artist, album, args \\ [autocorrect: 0])
top_tags(String.t(), String.t(), keyword()) :: Elixirfm.response()
Get the top tags for an album on Last.fm, ordered by popularity.