elixirfm v1.0.1 Elixirfm.Track
Functions for Last.fm Track endpoints
Link to this section Summary
Use the last.fm corrections data to check whether the supplied track has a correction to a canonical track.
Get the metadata for a track on Last.fm using the artist & track name.
Search for track by track name, returns tracks sorted by relanvance. Can be supplied with an artist to further narrow down search
Get the similar tracks for this track on Last.fm, based on listening data.
Get the tags applied by an individual user to a track on Last.fm. To retrieve the list of top tags applied to a track by all users use .getTopTags.
Get the top tags for this track on Last.fm, ordered by tag count.
Link to this section Functions
correction(artist, track)
correction(String.t(), String.t()) :: Elixirfm.response()
Use the last.fm corrections data to check whether the supplied track has a correction to a canonical track.
info(artist, track, args \\ [username: ""])
info(String.t(), String.t(), [{:username, String.t()}]) :: Elixirfm.response()
Get the metadata for a track on Last.fm using the artist & track name.
search_track(title, args \\ [artist: ""])
search_track(String.t(), [{:artist, String.t()}]) :: Elixirfm.response()
Search for track by track name, returns tracks sorted by relanvance. Can be supplied with an artist to further narrow down search
similar(artist, track, args \\ [limit: 20])
similar(String.t(), String.t(), [{:limit, non_neg_integer()}]) :: Elixirfm.response()
Get the similar tracks for this track on Last.fm, based on listening data.
tags(artist, track, args \\ [])
tags(String.t(), String.t(), [{:username, String.t()}]) :: Elixirfm.response()
Get the tags applied by an individual user to a track on Last.fm. To retrieve the list of top tags applied to a track by all users use .getTopTags.
top_tags(artist, track)
top_tags(String.t(), String.t()) :: Elixirfm.response()
Get the top tags for this track on Last.fm, ordered by tag count.