elixirfm v1.0.1 Elixirfm.Geo

Last.fm Geo endpoint api

Link to this section Summary


Get the most popular artists on Last.fm by country.

Get the most popular tracks on Last.fm last week by country.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

top_artists(query, args \\ [limit: 20, page: 1])


top_artists(String.t(), limit: non_neg_integer(), page: non_neg_integer()) ::

Get the most popular artists on Last.fm by country.

query must be a country name, as defined by the ISO 3166-1 country names standard.

Link to this function

top_tracks(query, args \\ [page: 1, limit: 10, location: ""])


  limit: non_neg_integer(),
  page: non_neg_integer(),
  location: String.t()
) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get the most popular tracks on Last.fm last week by country.