elixirfm v1.0.1 Elixirfm

A simple wrapper for the Lastfm API.

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get_request/1 takes name of uri as string and returns a response/0, if wanting to pass url params see get_request/2

get_request/2 takes name of the lastfm uri "/artist" as string and a map or list of tuples for url params and returns a response/0.

Link to this section Types


response() :: {atom(), struct()}

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get_request(lastfm_uri :: String.t()) :: response()

get_request/1 takes name of uri as string and returns a response/0, if wanting to pass url params see get_request/2

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get_request(uri, args)


  lastfm_uri :: String.t(),
  params_and_opts :: map() | [{any(), any()}, ...] | []
) :: response()

get_request/2 takes name of the lastfm uri "/artist" as string and a map or list of tuples for url params and returns a response/0.