elixirfm v1.0.1 Elixirfm.User

Last.fm User Endpoints

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Get a list of tracks by a given artist scrobbled by this user, including scrobble time. Can be limited to specific timeranges, defaults to all time.

Get a list of the user's friends on Last.fm.

Get a user's profile infomation.

Get the last 50 tracks loved by a user.

Get a list of the recent tracks listened to by this user. Also includes the currently playing track with the nowplaying="true" attribute if the user is currently listening.

Get the top albums listened to by a user. You can stipulate a time period. Sends the overall chart by default.

Get the top artists listened to by a user. You can stipulate a time period. Sends the overall chart by default.

Get the top tags used by this user.

Get the top tracks listened to by a user. You can stipulate a time period. Sends the overall chart by default.

Get a list of available charts for this user, expressed as date ranges which can be sent to the chart services.

Link to this section Types

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recent_track_arg() ::
  {:limit, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:page, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:extended, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:to, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:from, non_neg_integer()}
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recent_track_args() :: [recent_track_arg()]

Link to this section Functions

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artist_tracks(user, artist, args \\ [page: 1])


artist_tracks(String.t(), String.t(), [{:page, non_neg_integer()}]) ::

Get a list of tracks by a given artist scrobbled by this user, including scrobble time. Can be limited to specific timeranges, defaults to all time.

start and end times not implemented yet

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friends(query, args \\ [limit: 15, page: 1, recenttracks: false])


  limit: non_neg_integer(),
  page: non_neg_integer(),
  recenttracks: boolean()
) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get a list of the user's friends on Last.fm.


Get a user's profile infomation.

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loved_tracks(query, args \\ [page: 1, limit: 50])


loved_tracks(String.t(), page: non_neg_integer(), limit: non_neg_integer()) ::

Get the last 50 tracks loved by a user.

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recent_tracks(query, args \\ [limit: 20, page: 1, extended: 0, to: 0, from: 0])


recent_tracks(String.t(), recent_track_args()) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get a list of the recent tracks listened to by this user. Also includes the currently playing track with the nowplaying="true" attribute if the user is currently listening.

extended argument accepts 1 or 0 as true or false

to and from arguments not implemented yet

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top_albums(query, args \\ [period: "overall", page: 1, limit: 15])


  period: String.t(),
  page: non_neg_integer(),
  limit: non_neg_integer()
) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get the top albums listened to by a user. You can stipulate a time period. Sends the overall chart by default.

peroid argument acceptes: overall | 7day | 1month | 3month | 6month | 12month

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top_artists(query, args \\ [period: "overall", page: 1, limit: 15])


  period: String.t(),
  page: non_neg_integer(),
  limit: non_neg_integer()
) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get the top artists listened to by a user. You can stipulate a time period. Sends the overall chart by default.

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top_tags(query, args \\ [limit: 15])


top_tags(String.t(), [{:limit, non_neg_integer()}]) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get the top tags used by this user.

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top_track(query, args \\ [peroid: "overall", page: 1, limit: 15])


  peroid: String.t(),
  page: non_neg_integer(),
  limit: non_neg_integer()
) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get the top tracks listened to by a user. You can stipulate a time period. Sends the overall chart by default.

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weekly_charts(String.t()) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get a list of available charts for this user, expressed as date ranges which can be sent to the chart services.

Link to this function

weekly_track_chart(query, min, max)