02 State management

We saw in the quickstart guide that all Lustre applications are built around the Model-View-Update (MVU) architecture. This means that the state of the application is stored in a single, immutable data structure called the model, and updated as messages are dispatched to the runtime.

The MVU architecture is an example of unidirectional data flow:

                                       |        |
                                       | update |
                                       |        |
                                         ^    |
                                         |    |
                                     Msg |    | Model
                                         |    |
                                         |    v
+------+                         +------------------------+
|      |          Model          |                        |
| init |------------------------>|     Lustre Runtime     |
|      |                         |                        |
+------+                         +------------------------+
                                         ^    |
                                         |    |
                                     Msg |    | Model
                                         |    |
                                         |    v
                                       |        |
                                       |  view  |
                                       |        |

This is in contrast to bidirectional approaches to state management, where the UI can modify state directly. For some developers this can be a difficult idea to get used to, but it brings a number of benefits:

The rest of this guide contains some learned-wisdom and best practices for managing state in Lustre applications.

The best model is not always a record

It is overwhelmingly common to see the model of a Lustre application as a single record. This is a sensible place to start, but there are other options! Gleam’s custom types allow us to model our data as disjoint variants. Using these as your application’s model can be particularly useful when you have different states that do not need to persist across navigations:

type Model {

type LoggedInModel {

type PublicModel {

Here, we have a model that represents our application as either having a logged in user or just one of the public routes. This pushes us towards the great practice of making impossible states impossible. Now, we can write separate update and view functions that only handle the states they care about.

Another option is to use a type alias to represent some state using existing Gleam types. It’s important to remember that your model represents application state and not necessarily page state. This can manifest as simple as aliasing Gleam’s Result type or maybe a Dict representing loaded posts.

Messages not actions

Lustre is not the first frontend framework to use the MVU architecture or to focus on dispatching messages to update state. State management libraries like Redux and Zustand follow a very similar pattern. The devil is in the details though, and these libraries often talk in terms of actions but you’ll see Elm and Lustre prefer the term message.

Actions frame incoming events as things to do: “add a new todo”, “make an HTTP request”, etc. This can work well in the beginning, but as your application grows and the number of things you can do grows, naming messages as actions can become problematic.

In particular, it encourages you to recursively call your update function with different messages when you want to compose behaviour. Gleam is a functional programming language: we should use functions to update our state, not message dispatching! Communicating through messages is a way for the outside world to talk to our application, not for our applications to talk to themselves.

A recursive update function makes it difficult to see the consequences of any one message as you need to trace through the recursive calls in your head to understand which messages are being dispatched and in what order.

Instead, we recommend you name your messages according to a Subject Verb Object pattern. This frames messages based on who (or what) sent them, what state or “thing” they’re working on, and what they did or want to do. Imagine a password reset form, the user can type in a new password and submit it and our app waits for a response. As a first-pass we might end up with something like this:

type Msg {
  PasswordReset(Result(Nil, String))

This is quite muddled, and is compounded as we add more messages to our app (especially if they also relate to the password!). It’s hard to tell from looking at our messages what our app might really be doing: we’d have to dig into our update function and possibly our view to work out what our intent was. One super power of the MVU pattern is that we can look at our messages to get a holistic view of what our app can handle. Things become much clearer if we refactor this example to the Subject Verb Object naming pattern:

type Msg {
  BackendResetPassword(Result(Nil, String))

It’s now immediately obvious at a glance:

  1. Where these messages are coming from (user interaction, the network, …)
  2. What sort of event or intention they represent

As our apps grow in size, we’ll be thankful for this clarity!

View functions not components

Although Lustre does have a way to create encapsulated stateful components (something we sorely missed in Elm) it shouldn’t be the default. The word “component” is a bit overloaded in the frontend world, so for clarity Lustre considers components as stateful nested Model-View-Update applications and calls stateless functions that return Elements view functions.

The best Lustre code bases take the lessons learned from similar languages like Elm, Erlang, and Elixir and keep the number of components low and the number of simple view functions much higher. If you’re coming from a typical frontend framework the idea of eschewing stateful components might seem quite strange, but there are some tangible benefits to this approach:

Related examples

If you’d like to see some of the ideas in action, we have a number of examples that demonstrate how to use Lustre in practice:

Getting help

If you’re having trouble with Lustre or not sure what the right way to do something is, the best place to get help is the Gleam Discord server. You could also open an issue on the Lustre GitHub repository.

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