Note: this guide is a work in progress and is not currently complete. Content here will change and be added over time. In the meantime, you can check out the Gleam Discord server if you have any questions about full stack applications with Lustre.
06 Full stack applications
We’ve now seen how Lustre can render single-page applications in the browser, static HTML templates, and we’ve seen how hydration can be implemented. In this guide we’ll look at how to put these pieces together into a single application.
To create a full stack Web application in Gleam you will need to adopt a monorepo. Although Gleam supports multiple targets, and has conditional compilation features, the language isn’t designed to support a single codebase with different applications for different targets. Instead, we will create three separate Gleam projects:
mkdir lustre-fullstack-guide \
&& cd lustre-fullstack-guide \
&& gleam new client --name app \
&& gleam new server --name app \
&& gleam new shared --name app
We have one project for the frontend SPA, one project for the server, and a third
project called shared
that we will use to share types and code across the stack.
Full stack applications can get quite complex quite quickly, so this guide will focus on putting together a simple grocery list with pre-rendering and hydration, as well as a single API endpoint to save the items to a SQLite database.
The client
The application we’re building will eventually need to make requests to our backend API, which means we need an application capable of performing effects. To start, let’s scaffold out all the types and functions we need:
gleam add decipher lustre lustre_http gleam_json
gleam add lustre_dev_tools --dev
import gleam/dynamic
import gleam/int
import gleam/result
import lustre
import lustre/attribute
import lustre/effect.{type Effect}
import lustre/element.{type Element}
import lustre/event
pub fn main() {
let app = lustre.application(init, update, view)
let assert Ok(_) = lustre.start(app, "#app", Nil)
type Model
fn init(_) -> #(Model, Effect(Msg)) {
type Msg
fn update(model: Model, msg: Msg) -> #(Model, Effect(Msg)) {
fn view(model: Model) -> Element(Msg) {
The Model
for our grocery list will be a list of tuples containing the name
of some produce and a quantity to purchase. For now, we’ll initialise that with
just an empty list:
type Model =
List(#(String, Int))
fn init(_) -> #(Model, Effect(Msg)) {
let model = []
let effect = effect.none()
#(model, effect)
Our Msg
type needs to cover changes to the grocery list, the user requesting
to save the list, and the response from the server:
type Msg {
ServerSavedList(Result(Nil, String))
UserAddedProduct(name: String)
UserUpdatedQuantity(name: String, amount: Int)
fn update(model: Model, msg: Msg) -> #(Model, Effect(Msg)) {
case msg {
ServerSavedList(_) -> todo
UserAddedProduct(_) -> todo
UserSavedList -> todo
UserUpdatedQuantity(_, _) -> todo
Finally, our view
function will render the grocery list as an unordered list:
each item will have an input field to update the quantity. Below the list will
be an input field to add a new item, and a button to save the list:
fn view(model: Model) -> Element(Msg) {
let styles = [
#("max-width", "30ch"),
#("margin", "0 auto"),
#("display", "flex"),
#("flex-direction", "column"),
#("gap", "1em"),
html.div([], [
html.div([], [html.button([], [html.text("Sync")])]),
fn view_new_item() -> Element(Msg) {
let handle_click = fn(event) {
let path = ["target", "previousElementSibling", "value"]
|>, dynamic.string)
html.div([], [
html.button([event.on("click", handle_click)], [html.text("Add")]),
fn view_grocery_list(model: Model) -> Element(Msg) {
let styles = [#("display", "flex"), #("flex-direction", "column-reverse")]
element.keyed(html.div([], _), {
use #(name, quantity) <-
let item = view_grocery_item(name, quantity)
#(name, item)
fn view_grocery_item(name: String, quantity: Int) -> Element(Msg) {
let handle_input = fn(e) {
|> result.nil_error
|> result.then(int.parse)
|>, _))
|> result.replace_error([])
html.div([[#("display", "flex"), #("gap", "1em")])], [
html.span([[#("flex", "1")])], [html.text(name)]),
html.input([[#("width", "4em")]),
event.on("input", handle_input),
Building for production
When we’re ready to deploy our application we will want to make sure our client app is minified. Minification is a process JavaScript build tools go through to rename variables, strip whitespace, and transform the code in other ways to make the file smaller.
Lustre’s build tools can produce minified JavaScript (and CSS, if you’re using
Tailwind) bundles by providing the --minify
gleam run -m lustre/dev build --minify --outdir=../server/priv/static
Typically, building a Lustre application will place the bundled JavaScript in the
project’s priv/static
directory. Because we’re building a full stack application
we want our server to serve the JavaScript itself. The --outdir
flag tells the
build tool to place the output in our server’s priv directory instead.
Next, in our server we can use Wisp’s server_static
middleware to automatically serve files from our server’s priv/static
To do that we’ll modify our handler
fn handler(req: wisp.Request) -> wisp.Response {
let assert Ok(priv) = wisp.priv_directory("app")
let static_dir = priv <> "/static"
use <- wisp.serve_static(req, under: "/static", from: static_dir)