Meeseeks.Result (Meeseeks v0.17.0) View Source

Results are the product of running selections on a document, and package together a node id and the Meeseeks.Document for which that id is valid.

Results are generally used in one of two ways: either data, such as an element's tag, is extracted from a result, or further selections are ran using the result as a source.

When a result is used as a source for further selection, the original document the result came from is used for context, meaning that questions about the results ancestors may be asked, but also that queries involving ancestors need to account for the whole document, not just the contents of the result.


iex> import Meeseeks.CSS
iex> document = Meeseeks.parse("<div><ul><li>1</li><li>2</li></ul></div>")
iex> ul =, css("ul"))
#Meeseeks.Result<{ <ul><li>1</li><li>2</li></ul> }>
iex> Meeseeks.tag(ul)
iex> Meeseeks.all(ul, css("li")) |> List.last()
#Meeseeks.Result<{ <li>2</li> }>

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Returns the value for attribute in result, or nil if there isn't one.

Returns the result's attributes list, which may be empty, or nil if result represents a node without attributes.

Returns the combined data of result or result's children, which may be an empty string.

Returns a map of result's data attributes, or nil if result represents a node without attributes.

Returns the combined HTML of result and its descendants.

Returns the combined text of result or result's children, which may be an empty string.

Returns result's tag, or nil if result represents a node without a tag.

Returns the combined text of result or result's descendants, which may be an empty string.

Returns a Meeseeks.TupleTree of result and its descendants.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %Meeseeks.Result{
  document: Meeseeks.Document.t(),
  id: Meeseeks.Document.node_id()

Link to this section Functions


attr(t(), String.t()) :: String.t() | nil

Returns the value for attribute in result, or nil if there isn't one.


attrs(t()) :: [{String.t(), String.t()}] | nil

Returns the result's attributes list, which may be empty, or nil if result represents a node without attributes.

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data(result, opts \\ [])

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data(t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Returns the combined data of result or result's children, which may be an empty string.

Once the data has been combined the whitespace is compacted by replacing all instances of more than one whitespace character with a single space and then trimmed.

Data is the content of <script> or <style> tags, or the content of comments starting with "[CDATA[" and ending with "]]". The latter behavior is to support the extraction of CDATA from HTML, since HTML5 parsers parse CDATA as comments.


  • :collapse_whitespace - Boolean determining whether or not to replace blocks of whitespace with a single space character. Defaults to true.
  • :trim - Boolean determining whether or not to trim the resulting text. Defaults to true.


dataset(t()) :: %{optional(String.t()) => String.t()} | nil

Returns a map of result's data attributes, or nil if result represents a node without attributes.

Behaves like HTMLElement.dataset; only valid data attributes are included, and attribute names have "data-" removed and are converted to camelCase.



html(t()) :: String.t()

Returns the combined HTML of result and its descendants.

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own_text(result, opts \\ [])

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own_text(t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Returns the combined text of result or result's children, which may be an empty string.

Once the text has been combined the whitespace is compacted by replacing all instances of more than one whitespace character with a single space and then trimmed.


  • :collapse_whitespace - Boolean determining whether or not to replace blocks of whitespace with a single space character. Defaults to true.
  • :trim - Boolean determining whether or not to trim the resulting text. Defaults to true.


tag(t()) :: String.t() | nil

Returns result's tag, or nil if result represents a node without a tag.

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text(result, opts \\ [])

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text(t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Returns the combined text of result or result's descendants, which may be an empty string.

Once the text has been combined the whitespace is compacted by replacing all instances of more than one whitespace character with a single space and then trimmed.


  • :collapse_whitespace - Boolean determining whether or not to replace blocks of whitespace with a single space character. Defaults to true.
  • :trim - Boolean determining whether or not to trim the resulting text. Defaults to true.


tree(t()) :: Meeseeks.TupleTree.node_t()

Returns a Meeseeks.TupleTree of result and its descendants.