View Source API Reference Moon v2.89.1
Some kind of "polymorphic" stuff. "as" propertry is responsible for HTNL tag is rendered.
Some helper functions for work with elixir module AST
Functions for converting AST surface -> live_view
Functions for converting html tokens surface -> live_view
Some helper functions to proceed with html <-> tokens
Module for putting Avatar properties in one place
Module for putting button properties in one place
Module for putting button properties in one place
Component for rendering dropdown info, mostly lists
Displaying number of tems selected with close [x] button
Options list for the Dropdown component
Single oprion for the dropdown component. Renders as a button
Optional dropdown header
Optional dropdown header
Single oprion for the dropdown component. Renders as a button
Element that triggers Dropdown component, renders as a HTML input inside div with some addons
Single option for the dropdown component. Renders as a link
Single oprion for the dropdown component. Renders as a button
Options list for the Dropdown component
Element that triggers Dropdown component, renders as a button
Element that triggers Dropdown component, renders with no HTML tag
Checkbox to be rendered on form. Label is the root component. For rebdering outside the from please use Moon.Lego.Checkbox
Fully customized select component for the forms with input for filtering
Fully styled select component for the forms
copy of Surface.Components.Form.ErrorTag
Copy of Surface.Components.Form.Field
Component for visual groupping Form.Input & Form.Select
Radio(group) component. For using both inside and outside the form
Single component of the Radio, renders to a label
Radio round mark to be shown
Textinput with search options. Renders as a Moon.Design.Dropdown. Is designed for usage outside of the forms
Icon for the search
Icon for the search
No Result Label for Search Component
Input styled to use inside the tables
Helper function for merging tailwind classes, can operate with Surface css_class datatype
Functions for rendering Moon (or Surface, either LiveView) components in HEEX/SLIM/... (not Surface) templates
Simple checkbox with or without selected mark to be used anywhere. Some SVG inside. Renders as a span
Radio round mark to be shown
Some helper functions used in <.table /> component
Input styled to use inside the tables
Almost copy of Moon.Design.Tabs.Panels except few classes
The entrypoint for defining your web interface, such as controllers, views, channels and so on.
This module defines the test case to be used by channel tests.
Provides core UI components.
This module defines the test case to be used by tests that require setting up a connection.
Conveniences for translating and building error messages.
Responsive design for the table. To see what it's about - just resize the window, or press <F12> to open the console and resize it sizes can be ssen here -
Forget about this example until we'll have a solution for getting current url without setting global params. is_active should be set from outside for each tab
A module providing Internationalization with a gettext-based API.
Some interal helpers for html-escaping and transforming
Setting globals - site-wide params for (almost) all LiveViews
Getting globals from cookie to session
Dependency-free S3 Form Upload using HTTP POST sigv4
Page for visual/automated screen-shot tests in Moon DS
Some menu links listing to be used inside the site
Ecto schema for stub User. Initiated as a copy of MoonWeb.Pages.Tutorials.AddDataUsingForm.User
Mix Tasks
Converts component from surface to live_view format
Generates a component and a component page by component module name given