View Source mix prom_ex.dashboard.export (PromEx v1.11.0)
This will render a PromEx dashboard either to STDOUT or to a file depending on the CLI arguments that are provided.
The following CLI flags are supported:
-d, --dashboard The name of the dashboard that you would like to export from PromEx.
For example, if you would like to export the Ecto dashboard, provide
the value `ecto.json`.
-m, --module The PromEx module which will be used to render the dashboards.
This is needed to fetch any relevant assigns from the
`c:PromEx.dashboard_assigns/0` callback
-s, --stdout A boolean flag denoting that the rendered dashboard should be output
-f, --file_path If you would like the write the generated JSON dashboard definition
to a file, you can provide a relative file path in the project's
`priv` directory.
-a, --assign Any additional assigns you would like to pass to the dashboard for
rendering. You are able to pass multiple assigns by passing multiple
--assign arguments. For example: `--assign some=thing --assign another=thing`.