View Source mix prom_ex.gen.config (PromEx v1.11.0)
This Mix Task generates a PromEx config module in your project. This config file acts as a starting point with instructions on how to set up PromEx in your application, some default PromEx metrics plugins, and their accompanying dashboards.
The following CLI flags are supported:
-d, --datasource The datasource that the dashboards will be reading from to populate
their time series data. This `datasource` value should align with
what is configured in Grafana from the Prometheus instance's
-o, --otp_app The OTP application that PromEx is being installed in. This
should be provided as the snake case atom (minus the leading
colon). For example, if the `:app` value in your `mix.exs` file
is `:my_cool_app`, this argument should be provided as `my_cool_app`.
By default PromEx will read your `mix.exs` file to determine the OTP
application value so this is an OPTIONAL argument.
-m, --prom_ex_module Optional name of the PromEx module that will be created. This should
be provided as an unscoped module name, and it will be saved to the
corresponding file, e.g. `-m OpsPromEx` will save to `ops_prom_ex.ex`.