View Source PromEx.Utils (PromEx v1.11.0)
This module provides several general purpose utilities for use in PromEx plugs.
Converts a time_unit
to its plural form.
Normalize exception messages for use as metric labels.
Take a module name and normalize it for use as a metric label.
@type duration_unit_plural() ::
:seconds | :milliseconds | :microseconds | :nanoseconds
@type exception_kind() :: :error | :exit | :throw
The kinds of exceptions that can occur
@spec make_plural_atom(System.time_unit()) :: atom()
Converts a time_unit
to its plural form.
@spec normalize_exception(exception_kind(), term(), term()) :: String.t()
Normalize exception messages for use as metric labels.
Take a module name and normalize it for use as a metric label.