View Source PromEx.LifecycleAnnotator (PromEx v1.11.0)

This GenServer is responsible to keeping track of the life cycle of the application and sending annotation requests to Grafana when the application starts and when it terminates. It will include things in the message like:

  • Hostname
  • OTP app name
  • App version
  • Git SHA of the last commit (if the GIT_SHA environment variable is present)
  • Git author of the last commit (if the GIT_AUTHOR environment variable is present)



Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Used to start the PromEx.LifecycleAnnotator process.


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

@spec start_link(opts :: keyword()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Used to start the PromEx.LifecycleAnnotator process.