View Source Rayex.Shapes (Rayex v0.0.3)

Shapes related functions



Check if point is inside rectangle

Draw rectangle outline with extended parameters

Draw a color-filled rectangle

Draw a color-filled triangle (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)

Get collision info between ray and box

Set texture and rectangle to be used on shapes drawing


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check_collision_point_rec(point, rectangle)

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@spec check_collision_point_rec(
) :: boolean()

Check if point is inside rectangle

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draw_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, color)

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@spec draw_line(integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(), Rayex.Structs.Color.t()) ::

Draw a line

@spec draw_pixel(integer(), integer(), Rayex.Structs.Color.t()) :: :ok

Draw a pixel

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draw_rectangle_lines_ex(rectangle, line_thick, color)

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@spec draw_rectangle_lines_ex(
) :: :ok

Draw rectangle outline with extended parameters

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draw_rectangle_rec(rectangle, color)

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@spec draw_rectangle_rec(Rayex.Structs.Rectangle.t(), Rayex.Structs.Color.t()) :: :ok

Draw a color-filled rectangle

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draw_triangle(vertice1, vertice2, vertice3, color)

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Draw a color-filled triangle (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)

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get_ray_collision_box(ray, bounding_box)

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Get collision info between ray and box

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set_shapes_texture(texture, source)

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@spec set_shapes_texture(Rayex.Structs.Texture2D.t(), Rayex.Structs.Rectangle.t()) ::

Set texture and rectangle to be used on shapes drawing