View Source rebar3_hex_cut (rebar3_hex v7.0.8)

rebar3 hex cut - Publish with git tag and version bump features

Increments tags and publishes.

Incrementing and tagging are both optional features of this provider.

By default you'll be prompted what type of increment to make to the version or it can be supplied as an argument to the command -i, --increment switch.

cut will also optionally create version bump commit, create a tag with a name corresponding to the new version, and prompt you if you'd like to push the tag up to your git repository.

You may opt-out of prefixing tags and commits with a v prefix (i.e., v1.2.3) using --prefix-tag false switch.

Below is a full example of cut in action :

  rebar3 hex cut
  ===> Analyzing applications...
  ===> Verifying dependencies...
  Select semver increment or other (Current 0.1.3):
  1) patch
  2) minor
  3) major
  4) other
  [1-4] > 1
  Create 'v0.1.4' commit? ("Y")>
  Push master to origin master? ("N")>
  Local Password:
  Publishing myapp 0.1.4 to hexpm:myrepo
  Description: My Application
    relx ~>4.5.0
  Included files:
  Licenses: Apache-2.0
  Build tools: rebar3
  Before publishing, please read Hex CoC:
  Proceed (with warnings)? ("Y")>
  ===> Published myapp 0.1.4
  ===> Analyzing applications...
  ===> Compiling myapp
  ===> Running edoc for myapp
  ===> Running ex_doc for myapp
  ===> Published docs for myapp 0.1.4
  Create new git tag v0.1.4? ("Y")>
  ===> Creating new tag v0.1.4...
  Push new tag to origin? ("Y")>
  ===> Pushing new tag v0.1.4...
  • --repo - Specify the repository to work with. This option is required when you have multiple repositories configured, including organizations. The argument must be a fully qualified repository name (e.g, hexpm, hexpm:my_org, my_own_hexpm). Defaults to hexpm.
  • -i, --increment - Specify the type of version increment to perform without being prompted at runtime. Supported types are :
    • major
    • minor
    • patch