View Source rebar3_hex_retire (rebar3_hex v7.0.7)

rebar3 hex retire - retire and unretire packages

Retires a package version.

  $ rebar3 hex retire PACKAGE VERSION REASON --message
  $ rebar3 hex retire PACKAGE VERSION --unretire

Mark a package as retired when you no longer recommend it's usage. A retired package is still resolvable and usable but it will be flagged as retired in the repository and a message will be displayed to users when they use the package.


Retirement reasons

  • renamed - The package has been renamed, including the new package name in the message.
  • deprecated - The package has been deprecated, if there's a replacing package include it in the message
  • security - There are security issues with this package
  • invalid - The package is invalid, for example it does not compile correctly
  • other - Any other reason not included above, clarify the reason in the message


Command line options

  • --repo - Specify the repository to work with. This option is required when you have multiple repositories configured, including organizations. The argument must be a fully qualified repository name (e.g, hexpm, hexpm:my_org, my_own_hexpm).