View Source rebar3_hex_owner (rebar3_hex v7.0.7)

rebar3 hex owner - Manage package owners

Adds, removes or lists package owners.

Package owners have full permissions to the package. They can publish and revert releases and even remove other package owners.


Add a owner

Adds an owner to package by specifying the package name and email or username of the new owner.
  $ rebar3 hex owner add PACKAGE EMAIL_OR_USERNAME


Transfer ownership

Like rebar3 hex owner add` add but also removes all existing owners of the package. This task is required to use when transferring ownership of the package to an organization. ``` $ rebar3 hex owner transfer PACKAGE EMAIL_OR_USERNAME''


Remove owner

Removes an owner to package by specifying the package name and email or username of the new owner.

  $ rebar3 hex owner remove PACKAGE EMAIL_OR_USERNAME


List owners

Lists all owners of given package.

  $ rebar3 hex owner list PACKAGE


List owned packages

Lists all packages owned by the current user.

  $ rebar3 hex owner list packages


Command line options

  • --repo - Specify the repository to work with. This option is required when you have multiple repositories configured, including organizations. The argument must be a fully qualified repository name (e.g, hexpm, hexpm:my_org, my_own_hexpm). Defaults to hexpm.
  • --level - Specify the ownership level, either full or maintainer. Both ownership levels allow publishing and retiring of packages. However, only an owner with full access may add, remove other owners, or transfer a package to another owner. Defaults to full.