View Source Sentry.EventFilter behaviour (Sentry v10.8.1)

A behaviour for filtering events to send to Sentry.

There's only one callback to implement, exclude_exception?/2.


This behaviour is soft-deprecated in favor of filtering events through the :before_send callback functionality. :before_send is described in details in the documentation for the Sentry module. It's a more general mechanism to filter or modify events before sending them to Sentry. See below for an example of how to replace an event filter with a :before_send callback.

In future major versions of this library, we might hard-deprecate or remove this behaviour altogether.


To use a custom event filter module, configure the :filter option in the :sentry application. For example:

config :sentry,
  filter: MyApp.SentryEventFilter

The default event filter is Sentry.DefaultEventFilter.


As an example, if you wanted to exclude all ArithmeticError exceptions and nothing else:

defmodule MyApp.SentryEventFilter do
  @behaviour Sentry.EventFilter

  @impl true
  def exclude_exception?(%ArithmeticError{}, _source), do: true
  def exclude_exception?(_exception, _source), do: false

Alternatively, if you wanted to skip all non-500 exceptions in a Plug app:

defmodule MyApp.SentryEventFilter do
  @behaviour Sentry.EventFilter

  @impl true
  def exclude_exception?(exception, _source) do
    Plug.Exception.status(exception) < 500

If you want to exclude some specific exceptions but then fall back to the default event filter, you can do something like this:

defmodule MyApp.SentryEventFilter do
  @behaviour Sentry.EventFilter

  @impl true
  def exclude_exception?(%ArithmeticError{}, _source) do

  def exclude_exception?(exception, source) do
    Sentry.DefaultEventFilter.exclude_exception?(exception, source)

Replacing With :before_send

Let's look at an example of how to filter non-500 exceptions in a Plug app through the :before_send callback. We can start with a module:

defmodule MyApp.SentryEventFilter do
  def filter_non_500(%Sentry.Event{original_exception: exception} = event) do
    cond do
      Plug.Exception.status(exception) < 500 ->

      # Fall back to the default event filter.
      Sentry.DefaultEventFilter.exclude_exception?(exception, event.source) ->

      true ->

Then, we can configure the :before_send callback.

config :sentry,
  before_send: {MyApp.SentryEventFilter, :filter_non_500}

Multiple Callbacks

You can only have one :before_send callback. If you change the value of this configuration option, you'll override the previous callback. If you want to do multiple things in a :before_send callback, create a function that does all the things you need and register that as the callback.



Should return whether the given event should be excluded from being reported to Sentry.


Link to this callback

exclude_exception?(exception, source)

View Source
@callback exclude_exception?(exception :: Exception.t(), source :: atom()) :: boolean()

Should return whether the given event should be excluded from being reported to Sentry.

exception is the exception that was raised.

source is the source of the event. Events from Sentry.PlugCapture will have :plug as a source and events from Sentry.LoggerBackend will have :logger as the source. A custom source can also be specified by passing the :event_source option to Sentry.capture_exception/2.