View Source Sentry.LoggerBackend (Sentry v10.8.1)

An Elixir Logger backend that reports logged messages and crashes to Sentry.

:logger handler

This module will eventually become legacy. Elixir Logger backends will eventually be deprecated in favor of Erlang :logger handlers.

Sentry already has a :logger handler, Sentry.LoggerHandler. In new projects and wherever possible, use Sentry.LoggerHandler in favor of this backend.

To include in your application, start this backend in your application start/2 callback:

# lib/my_app/application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do

Sentry context will be included in metadata in reported events. Example:


:logger handler

In new projects, try to use Sentry.LoggerHandler rather than this Logger backend. Elixir will likely deprecate Logger backends in the future in favor of :logger handlers, which would lead to us eventually removing this backend.


  • :excluded_domains - Any messages with a domain in the configured list will not be sent. Defaults to [:cowboy, :bandit] to avoid double reporting events from Sentry.PlugCapture.

  • :metadata - To include non-Sentry Logger metadata in reports, the :metadata key can be set to a list of keys. Metadata under those keys will be added in the :extra context under the :logger_metadata key. Defaults to []. If set to :all, all metadata will be included. :all is available since v9.0.0 of this library.

  • :level - The minimum [Logger level]( to send events for. Defaults to :error.

  • :capture_log_messages - When true, this module will send all Logger messages. Defaults to false, which will only send messages with metadata that has the shape of an exception and stacktrace.


config :logger, Sentry.LoggerBackend,
  # Also send warning messages
  level: :warning,
  # Send messages from Plug/Cowboy
  excluded_domains: [],
  # Include metadata added with `Logger.metadata([foo_bar: "value"])`
  metadata: [:foo_bar],
  # Send messages like `Logger.error("error")` to Sentry
  capture_log_messages: true