View Source Upgrade to Sentry 9.x

This guide contains information on how to upgrade from Sentry 8.x to Sentry 9.x. If you're on a version lower than 8.x, see the previous upgrade guides to get to 8.x before going through this one.


Check Your Elixir Version

Sentry 9.0.0 requires Elixir 1.11+. If you're still running on Elixir 1.10 or lower, use Sentry 8.x or lower.


Remove DSN Query Params

Before 9.0.0, the Sentry Elixir library supported one way of passing configuration through query parameters in the configured Sentry DSN. This is not supported anymore in 9.0.0.

To upgrade:

  1. Remove query parameters from your configured Sentry DSN.
  2. Set the values for those parameters as normal configuration, either via the application environment, or via environment variables.

For example:

# In config/config.exs

# Replace this:
config :sentry,
  dsn: ""

# with this:
config :sentry,
  dsn: "",
  server_name: "my-server"


Make Sure the Environment Name Is Configured

Sentry now requires the :environment_name configuration to be set, since the default was causing potential issues (such as #524). To fix this, configure :environment_name or set the SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT system environment variable.


Fix Your Environment Variables

Sentry 9.0.0 stops using many "magic" system environment variables for configuration. These were environment variables prefixed with SENTRY_.

If you were using these environment variables, you'll either need to configure the corresponding setting through the application environment, or you'll need to read those variables yourself (at runtime).

For example, if you were setting SENTRY_LOG_LEVEL, you'll have to do something like:

# In config/runtime.exs
config :sentry,
  log_level: System.fetch_env!("SENTRY_LOG_LEVEL")

We strongly recommend you do this in config/runtime.exs so that you'll read the system environment when starting your application. This is going to work both for local development as well as in Mix releases.

This is the new system environment variables configuration:

System environment variableCorresponding configuration settingSupported in 9.0.0+


Stop Using {:system, var}

Sentry used to support setting configuration options to {:system, var} in order to read var from the system environment at runtime. This behavior was there to compensate for releases before Mix releases were introduced.

With Mix releases, you can use config/runtime.exs to have runtime configuration that works both within releases and using Mix (like during local development).

To fix this, remove all the {:system, var} values from the Sentry configuration, move those options to config/runtime.exs, and use normal System functions to read the environment (such as System.fetch_env!/1).

# Before, in config/config.exs ❌
config :sentry,
  # ...,
  environment_name: {:system, "SENTRY_ENV"}

# Now, in config/runtime.exs ✅
config :sentry,
  # ...,
  environment_name: System.fetch_env!("SENTRY_ENV")


Fix Compile-Time Configuration

Some configuration settings that Sentry supports are needed to compile Sentry itself. Before 9.0.0, you could change the value of these settings (such as :enable_source_code_context) at runtime, but it would have no effect. It would only do something if you were to change the value at compile time, and then you'd recompile Sentry itself.

Elixir v1.10.0 introduced Application.compile_env/2 however. This means that we were able to turn those settings into explicit compile-time settings. If you change the value of any of these settings now and forget to recompile Sentry, Mix will yell at you.

The fix for this is simple: do what Mix says.

The settings that are now compile-time settings are:

  • :enable_source_code_context
  • :root_source_code_paths
  • :report_deps
  • :source_code_path_pattern
  • :source_code_exclude_patterns


Stop Using Sentry.Sources

Sentry.Sources was meant to be private API and has been removed. Its functionality is very specific to Sentry, and it's not a good general mechanism to retrieve source code. This way, we can also have the freedom to improve this functionality without making potential breaking changes to the API of this library.


Stop Using Sentry.Client

Most of the functionality that you could find in Sentry.Client was also available in the Sentry module. Additionally, most of the functions within Sentry.Client were not really usable in a generic way without deep knowledge of this library and the Sentry ecosystem.


Stop Using result: :async

We removed the :async possible value from the :result option of Sentry.Client.send_event/2. Instead, you can spawn a task yourself.

If you had something like this before:

{:ok, sentry_task} = Sentry.capture_exception(my_exception, result: :async)

# Do other stuff...


you can now replace it with something like:

# Start a supervisor for this somewhere, maybe in your application's
# start/2 callback.
{:ok, _} = Task.Supervisor.start_link(name: SentryAsyncSupervisor)

{:ok, sentry_task} =
  Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(SentryAsyncSupervisor, fn ->
    Sentry.capture_exception(my_exception, result: :async)

# Do other stuff...
