View Source Sentry.HTTPClient behaviour (Sentry v10.7.1)

A behaviour for HTTP clients that Sentry can use.

The default HTTP client is Sentry.HackneyClient.

To configure a different HTTP client, implement the Sentry.HTTPClient behaviour and change the :client configuration:

config :sentry,
  client: MyHTTPClient

Child Spec

The child_spec/0 callback is a callback that should be used when you want Sentry to start the HTTP client under its supervision tree. If you want to start your own HTTP client under your application's supervision tree, just don't implement the callback and Sentry won't do anything to start the client.

Optional Since v9.0.0

The child_spec/0 callback is optional only since v9.0.0 of Sentry, and was required before.

Alternative Clients

Let's look at an example of using an alternative HTTP client. In this example, we'll use Finch, a lightweight HTTP client for Elixir.

First, we need to add Finch to our dependencies:

# In mix.exs
defp deps do
    # ...
    {:finch, "~> 0.16"}

Then, we need to define a module that implements the Sentry.HTTPClient behaviour:

defmodule MyApp.SentryFinchHTTPClient do
  @behaviour Sentry.HTTPClient

  @impl true
  def child_spec do
    Supervisor.child_spec({Finch, name: __MODULE__}, id: __MODULE__)

  @impl true
  def post(url, headers, body) do
    request =, url, headers, body)

    case Finch.request(request, __MODULE__) do
      {:ok, %Finch.Response{status: status, headers: headers, body: body}} ->
        {:ok, status, headers, body}

      {:error, error} ->
        {:error, error}

Last, we need to configure Sentry to use our new HTTP client:

config :sentry,
  client: MyApp.SentryFinchHTTPClient

Umbrella Apps

The HTTP client for Sentry is configured globally for the :sentry application. In an umbrella setup, this means that all applications must configure Sentry to use the same HTTP client.

If you want to use an alternative Sentry HTTP client in your umbrella application, we recommend to do this:

  1. Create a new application in the umbrella (we'll call it sentry_http_client).

  2. Add :sentry as a dependency of the new application.

  3. Add a new module to the new application (such as SentryHTTPClient) which implements the desired Sentry.HTTPClient behaviour.

  4. Configure :sentry to use the "shared" HTTP client. This works because configuration in umbrella apps is generally shared by all apps within the umbrella (and it's in config/config.exs at the root of the umbrella).

    config :sentry,
      # ...
      client: SentryHTTPClient



HTTP request or response body.

HTTP request or response headers.

The response status for an HTTP request.


Should return a child specification to start the HTTP client.

Should make an HTTP POST request to url with the given headers and body.


@type body() :: binary()

HTTP request or response body.

@type headers() :: [{String.t(), String.t()}]

HTTP request or response headers.

Link to this type


View Source (since 9.0.0)
@type status() :: 100..599

The response status for an HTTP request.


@callback child_spec() :: :supervisor.child_spec()

Should return a child specification to start the HTTP client.

For example, this can start a pool of HTTP connections dedicated to Sentry. If not provided, Sentry won't do anything to start your HTTP client. See the module documentation for more info.

Link to this callback

post(url, request_headers, request_body)

View Source
@callback post(url :: String.t(), request_headers :: headers(), request_body :: body()) ::
  {:ok, status(), response_headers :: headers(), response_body :: body()}
  | {:error, term()}

Should make an HTTP POST request to url with the given headers and body.