View Source Stellar.Horizon.Accounts (Elixir Stellar SDK v0.22.0)

Exposes functions to interact with Accounts in Horizon.

You can:

  • Retrieve an account.
  • Fetch an account next sequence number.
  • List all accounts.
  • List an account's effects.
  • List an account's offers.
  • List an account's trades.
  • List an account's transactions.
  • List an account's operations.
  • List an account's payments.
  • List an account's data.

Horizon API reference:



Lists all accounts or by one of these three filters: signer, asset, or sponsor.

Retrieves a single data for a given account.

Fetches the ledger's sequence number for the given account.

Lists the effects of a specific account.

Lists all offers a given account has currently open.

Lists successful operations for a given account.

Lists successful payments for a given account.

Lists all trades for a given account.

Lists successful transactions for a given account.

Retrieves information of a specific account.



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all(server, options \\ [])

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@spec all(server :: server(), options :: options()) :: response()

Lists all accounts or by one of these three filters: signer, asset, or sponsor.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.


  • signer: Account ID of the signer.
  • asset: An issued asset represented as “Code:IssuerAccountID”.
  • sponsor: Account ID of the sponsor.
  • cursor: A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.
  • order: A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • limit: The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200. Defaults to 10.


iex> Accounts.all(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), limit: 2, order: :asc)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Account{}, ...]}}

# list by sponsor
iex> Accounts.all(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), sponsor: "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD")
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Account{}, ...]}}

# list by signer
iex> Accounts.all(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), signer: "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", order: :desc)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Account{}, ...]}}

# list by canonical asset address
iex> Accounts.all(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), asset: "TEST:GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", limit: 20)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Account{}, ...]}}
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data(server, account_id, key)

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@spec data(server :: server(), account_id :: account_id(), key :: String.t()) ::

Retrieves a single data for a given account.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.
  • account_id: The account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.
  • key: The key name for this data.


{:ok, %Account.Data{}}
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fetch_next_sequence_number(server, account_id)

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@spec fetch_next_sequence_number(server :: server(), account_id :: account_id()) ::

Fetches the ledger's sequence number for the given account.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.
  • account_id: The account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.


iex> Accounts.fetch_next_sequence_number(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD")
{:ok, 17218523889687}
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list_effects(server, account_id, options \\ [])

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@spec list_effects(
  server :: server(),
  account_id :: account_id(),
  options :: options()
) :: response()

Lists the effects of a specific account.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.
  • account_id: The account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.


  • cursor: A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.
  • order: A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • limit: The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200. Defaults to 10.


iex> Accounts.list_effects(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", limit: 20)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Effect{}, ...]}}
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list_offers(server, account_id, options \\ [])

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@spec list_offers(
  server :: server(),
  account_id :: account_id(),
  options :: options()
) :: response()

Lists all offers a given account has currently open.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.
  • account_id: The account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.


  • cursor: A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.
  • order: A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • limit: The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200. Defaults to 10.


iex> Accounts.list_offers(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", limit: 20)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Offer{}, ...]}}
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list_operations(server, account_id, options \\ [])

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@spec list_operations(
  server :: server(),
  account_id :: account_id(),
  options :: options()
) :: response()

Lists successful operations for a given account.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.
  • account_id: The account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.


  • cursor: A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.
  • order: A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • limit: The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200. Defaults to 10.
  • include_failed: Set to true to include failed operations in results.
  • join: Set to transactions to include the transactions which created each of the operations in the response.


iex> Accounts.list_transactions(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", limit: 20)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Operation{}, ...]}}

# join transactions
iex> Accounts.list_transactions(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", join: "transactions")
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Operation{transaction: %Transaction{}}, ...]}}
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list_payments(server, account_id, options \\ [])

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@spec list_payments(
  server :: server(),
  account_id :: account_id(),
  options :: options()
) :: response()

Lists successful payments for a given account.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.
  • account_id: The account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.


  • cursor: A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.
  • order: A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • limit: The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200. Defaults to 10.
  • include_failed: Set to true to include failed operations in results.
  • join: Set to transactions to include the transactions which created each of the operations in the response.


iex> Accounts.list_payments(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", limit: 20)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Operation{body: %Payment{}}, ...]}}

# include failed
iex> Accounts.list_payments(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", include_failed: true)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Operation{body: %Payment{}}, ...]}}
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list_trades(server, account_id, options \\ [])

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@spec list_trades(
  server :: server(),
  account_id :: account_id(),
  options :: options()
) :: response()

Lists all trades for a given account.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.
  • account_id: The account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.


  • cursor: A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.
  • order: A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • limit: The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200. Defaults to 10.


iex> Accounts.list_trades(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", limit: 20)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Trade{}, ...]}}
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list_transactions(server, account_id, options \\ [])

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@spec list_transactions(
  server :: server(),
  account_id :: account_id(),
  options :: options()
) :: response()

Lists successful transactions for a given account.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.
  • account_id: The account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.


  • cursor: A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.
  • order: A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • limit: The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200. Defaults to 10.
  • include_failed: Set to true to include failed operations in results.


iex> Accounts.list_transactions(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD", limit: 20)
{:ok, %Collection{records: [%Transaction{}, ...]}}
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retrieve(server, account_id)

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@spec retrieve(server :: server(), account_id :: account_id()) :: response()

Retrieves information of a specific account.


  • server: The Horizon server to query.
  • account_id: The account’s public key encoded in a base32 string representation.


iex> Accounts.retrieve(Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet(), "GCXMWUAUF37IWOOV2FRDKWEX3O2IHLM2FYH4WPI4PYUKAIFQEUU5X3TD")
{:ok, %Account{}}