View Source Ed25519 Signed Payload Signature


The Ed25519 Signed Payload is a new signer type introduced in CAP-40.

You start with a keypair, (pk, sk) and a payload P. Then, you configure a "signed payload" signer with (pk, P). This means that Sign(sk, P) is a valid transaction signature.

So basically, you should provide:

  • public key and payload to establish the signer of type ed25519_signed_payload
  • secret key and payload to sign a transaction using the ed25519_signed_payload signature


This guide will explain in detail the process to establish a signer of type Ed25519 Signed Payload and use the signature of this type to send valid transactions to the network.

In this guide, we will use a payment transaction as an example, but the process is the same for any other transaction type.

1. Prerequisites

You need to have two funded accounts.

  • For the first one: you will need to know the public and secret key. This account will send the payment.
  • For the second one: you will need to know the public key. This account will receive the payment.
# payer's keypair
payer_sk = "SECRET_SEED"

# destination public key

2. Generate payload

The payload is a value of up to 32 bytes (256 bits).

You can generate the payload using the following code:

# you can use a different byte size up to 32
payload = 32 |> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes() |> Base.encode16(case: :lower)

For example, for a raw payload of:

<<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32>>

Then, the payload will be:

payload = "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f20"

Notice that payload is hexadecimal encoded and lowercase.

3. Establish signer

Now, you need to establish a signer of type ed25519_signed_payload using the payload and the public key of the account that will send the payment (payer_pk).

So here, you use the Stellar.TxBuild.SetOptions operation to set the signer and this transaction is signed just by the secret key of the payer (payer_sk).

# 1. set the source account
source_account =

# 2. set the next sequence number for the source account
server = Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet()
{:ok, seq_num} = Stellar.Horizon.Accounts.fetch_next_sequence_number(server, payer_pk)
sequence_number =

# 3. build the set_options operation setting the ed25519 signed payload as a signer with weight 1
set_options_op =
    signer: [
      signed_payload: [ed25519: payer_pk, payload: payload],
      weight: 1

# 4. build the tx signature
signature = payer_sk)

# 5. submit the transaction to Horizon
{:ok, envelope} =
  |> sequence_number)
  |> Stellar.TxBuild.add_operation(set_options_op)
  |> Stellar.TxBuild.sign(signature)
  |> Stellar.TxBuild.envelope()

{:ok, submitted_tx} = Stellar.Horizon.Transactions.create(server, envelope)

4. Send a payment using the Ed25519 Signed Payload signature

Once you have established the signer, you can use the payload and the secret key of the payer (payer_sk) to sign the transaction and send the payment.

# 1. set the founder account
source_account =

# 2. set the next sequence number for the founder account
server = Stellar.Horizon.Server.testnet()
{:ok, seq_num} = Stellar.Horizon.Accounts.fetch_next_sequence_number(server, payer_pk)
sequence_number =

# 3. build the payment operation
payment_op =
    destination: destination_pk,
    asset: :native,
    amount: 25

# 4. build the tx signature with a signed payload
#    by providing the hex-encoded payload, and the secret key
signature = [payload: payload, ed25519: payer_sk])

# 5. submit the transaction to Horizon
{:ok, envelope} =
  |> sequence_number)
  |> Stellar.TxBuild.add_operation(payment_op)
  |> Stellar.TxBuild.sign(signature)
  |> Stellar.TxBuild.envelope()

{:ok, submitted_tx} = Stellar.Horizon.Transactions.create(server, envelope)

👍 That's it!

The payment was sent using the Ed25519 Signed Payload as a signature!