View Source API Reference Elixir Stellar SDK v0.22.0


Represents an Account resource from Horizon API.

Represents a Balance for an account.

Represents Data for an account.

Represents Flags for an account.

Represents a Signer for an Account.

Represents Thresholds for an account.

Exposes functions to interact with Accounts in Horizon.

Represents a Asset resource from Horizon API.

Exposes functions to interact with Assets in Horizon.

Represents a Asynchronous transaction resource from Horizon API.

Represents a Asynchronous transaction error resource from Horizon API.

Represents a ClaimableBalance resource from Horizon API.

Exposes functions to interact with ClaimableBalances in Horizon.

Specifies the API for processing HTTP requests in the Stellar network.

Hackney HTTP client implementation.

Specifies expected behaviour of an HTTP client.

Paginates data and returns collection-based results for multiple Horizon endpoints.

Handle exceptions that may arise from the Stellar.Horizon.Collection.

Represents a Effect resource from Horizon API.

Exposes functions to interact with Effects in Horizon.

Represents an error which occurred during a Horizon API call.

Assigns errors returned by the HTTP client to a custom structure.

Represents a FeeStat resource from Horizon API.

Exposes functions to interact with FeeStats in Horizon.

Represents a Ledger resource from Horizon API.

Exposes functions to interact with Ledgers in Horizon.

Represents a LiquidityPool resource from Horizon API.

Exposes functions to interact with LiquidityPools in Horizon.

Takes a result map or list of maps from Horizon response and returns a struct (e.g. %Horizon.Transaction{}) or list of structs.

Represents a Offer resource from Horizon API.

Exposes functions to interact with Offers in Horizon.

Represents a Operation resource from Horizon API.

Represents a AccountMerge operation from Horizon API.

Represents a AllowTrust operation from Horizon API.

Represents a BeginSponsoringFutureReserves operation from Horizon API.

Represents a BumpSequence operation from Horizon API.

Represents a ChangeTrust operation from Horizon API.

Represents a ClaimClaimableBalance operation from Horizon API.

Represents a CreateAccount operation from Horizon API.

Represents a CreateClaimableBalance operation from Horizon API.

Represents a CreatePassiveSellOffer operation from Horizon API.

Represents a EndSponsoringFutureReserves operation from Horizon API.

Represents a ExtendFootprintTTL operation from Horizon API.

Represents an InvokeHostFunction operation from Horizon API.

Represents a LiquidityPoolDeposit operation from Horizon API.

Represents a LiquidityPoolWithdraw operation from Horizon API.

Represents a ManageBuyOffer operation from Horizon API.

Represents a ManageData operation from Horizon API.

Represents a ManageSellOffer operation from Horizon API.

Represents a PathPaymentStrictReceive operation from Horizon API.

Represents a PathPaymentStrictSend operation from Horizon API.

Represents a Payment operation from Horizon API.

Represents a RevokeSponsorship operation from Horizon API.

Represents a SetOptions operation from Horizon API.

Exposes functions to interact with Operations in Horizon.

Represents an OrderBook resource from Horizon API.

Represents a Price for an order book.

Exposes functions to interact with OrderBooks in Horizon.

Represents a Path resource from Horizon API.

Represents a Payments Paths struct.

Exposes functions to interact with Paths in Horizon.

A module for working with requests to the Horizon API.

Returns a Keyword list of formatted params

Specifies contracts to build Horizon resources.

Horizon Server URL configuration.

Represents a Trade resource from Horizon API.

Represents a TradeAggregation resource from Horizon API.

Exposes functions to interact with TradeAggregations in Horizon.

Exposes functions to interact with Trades in Horizon.

Represents a Transaction resource from Horizon API.

Represents a LedgerBounds for a Transaction.

Represents a Preconditions for a Transaction.

Represents a TimeBounds for a Transaction.

Exposes functions to interact with Transactions in Horizon.

Specifies an API to operate Stellar KeyPairs.

Ed25519 functions to manage signatures.

Defines contracts to generate, validate and encode/decode Stellar KeyPairs.

Utility that handles Stellar's network configuration.

Specifies an API to build Stellar transactions.

Account struct definition.

AccountID struct definition.

Transfers the native balance (the amount of XLM an account holds) to another account and removes the source account from the ledger.

Amount struct definition.

Asset struct definition.

AssetsPath struct definition.

BaseFee struct definition.

Initiates a sponsorship. There must be a corresponding EndSponsoringFutureReserves operation in the same transaction.

Bumps sequence number.

Creates, updates, or deletes a trustline.

Claims a claimable balance.

ClaimPredicate struct definition.

ClaimPredicates struct definition.

ClaimableBalanceID struct definition.

Claimant struct definition.

Claimants struct definition.

Creates a clawback operation.

Creates a clawback operation for a claimable balance.

ConfigSettingID struct definition.

ContractExecutable struct definition.

ContractIDPreimage struct definition.

ContractIDPreimageFromAddress struct definition.

Creates and funds a new account with the specified starting balance.

CreateClaimableBalance struct definition.

CreateContractArgs struct definition.

Creates an offer that does not take another offer of equal price when created.

Default TxBuild implementation.

Ed25519ContractID struct definition.

ExtendFootprintTTL struct definition.

Flags struct definition.

FromAsset struct definition.

HashIDPreimage struct definition.

HashIDPreimageContractID struct definition.

HashIDPreimageOperationID struct definition.

HashIDPreimageRevokeID struct definition.

HashIDPreimageSorobanAuthorization struct definition.

HostFunction struct definition.

InvokeContractArgs struct definition.

Performs the following operations

Ledger Account struct definition.

Ledger ClaimableBalance struct definition.

Ledger ConfigSetting struct definition.

ContractCode struct definition.

ContractData struct definition.

Ledger Data struct definition.

Ledger LiquidityPool struct definition.

Ledger Offer struct definition.

Ledger TTL struct definition.

Ledger Trustline struct definition.

LedgerBounds struct definition.

LedgerFootprint struct definition.

LedgerKey struct definition.

Deposits assets into a liquidity pool.

Withdraw assets from a liquidity pool.

Creates, updates, or deletes an offer.

Sets, modifies, or deletes a Data Entry (name/value pair).

Creates, updates, or deletes an offer.

Memo struct definition.

Operation struct definition.

Operations struct definition.

OptionalAccount struct definition.

OptionalAccountID struct definition.

OptionalClaimPredicate struct definition.

OptionalFlags struct definition.

OptionalSequenceNumber struct definition.

OptionalSigner struct definition.

OptionalString32 struct definition.

OptionalWeight struct definition.

Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account through a path of offers.

Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account through a path of offers.

Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account.

PoolID struct definition.

Preconditions struct definition.

Price struct definition.

RestoreFootprint struct definition.

Revoke sponsorship of a ledger entry.

RevokeSponsorshipSigner struct definition.

SCAddress struct definition.

ScErrorCode struct definition.

SCMapEntry struct definition.

SCVal struct definition.

ScVec struct definition.

SequenceNumber struct definition.

Sets various configuration options for an account.

Allows an issuing account to configure various authorization and trustline flags for all trustlines to an asset.

Signature struct definition.

Signer struct definition.

SignerKey struct definition.

SorobanAddressCredentials struct definition.

SorobanAuthorizationEntry struct definition.

SorobanAuthorizedFunction struct definition.

SorobanAuthorizedInvocation struct definition.

SorobanCredentials struct definition.

SorobanResources struct definition.

SorobanTransactionData struct definition.

SourceAccountContractID struct definition.

Defines contracts to build a Stellar transaction.

String32 struct definition.

StructContractID struct definition.

TimeBounds struct definition.

Transaction struct definition.

TransactionEnvelope struct definition.

A module for tagging and signing transactions.

TrustlineAsset struct definition.

TrustlineFlags struct definition.

TxBuild utils functions.

Ensures that child components/structures used by operations are properly initialized otherwise, returns a formatted error.

Weight struct definition.

Defines the XDR construction callbacks for the transaction's components.