View Source Changelog

0.22.0 (16.08.2024)

  • Add hash to handle transaction timeout response. See PR #374
  • Add new async transaction submission endpoint. See PR #373

0.21.2 (23.07.2024)

  • Update stellar base dependency.

0.21.1 (25.04.2024)

  • Add stale issues policy. See PR #363

0.21.0 (04.03.2024)

  • Add Dynamic network configuration: Now you should provide Horizon URL and Network Passphrase. See Issue #352.
  • Update all dependencies. See PR #332.
  • Update scorecards allowed endpoints and Security Policy. See PR #355.
  • Delete config from mix.exs file. See PR #358.
  • Bump Elixir version to 1.12. See PR #360.

0.20.0 (20.12.2023)

  • Add Soroban stable Protocol 20 Support.
  • Add allowed endpoints for CI, CD, and Scorecards workflows.

0.19.0 (27.10.2023)

  • Add support for SCAddress type in the SCVal to obtain the Elixir native value.

0.18.1 (11.10.2023)

  • Add remaining changes for Protocol 20: Soroban.
    • Add function to be able to obtain native value from a SCVal.
    • Fix Horizon API responses related to Effects, Assets, and Soroban Operations.

0.18.0 (20.09.2023)

  • Add Soroban Preview 11 support.

0.17.1 (08.08.2023)

  • Allow contract_data key to be any type of SCVal

0.17.0 (04.08.2023)

  • Finish Soroban Preview 10 Support:
    • Support authorized invocation with different accounts.
    • Support Upload Contract WASM.
    • Support Create Contract.
    • Support RestoreFootprint operation.
    • Support BumpFootprintExpiration operation.

0.16.1 (27.07.2023)

  • Update stellar base dependency.

0.16.0 (25.07.2023)

  • Add support for contract function invocation with Soroban Preview 10.
  • Update all dependencies.

0.15.1 (13.06.2023)

  • Fix SCAddress contract type.

0.15.0 (05.06.2023)

  • Add Soroban Preview 9 support.
  • Add Soroban examples.

0.14.0 (08.05.2023)

  • Add sign_xdr function to ContractAuth module to allow signing base 64 contract auth structures.
  • Update InvokeHostFunction module to allow adding base 64 authorizations.

0.13.1 (02.05.2023)

  • Update SCAddress module to infer address types: account or contract.
  • Update all dependencies

0.13.0 (26.04.2023)

  • Add Soroban Preview 8 support.

0.12.0 (19.04.2023)

  • CAP-0046 Add support for smart contracts (Soroban preview 7).

0.11.8 (16.01.2023)

  • Update all dependencies.
  • Block egress traffic in GitHub Actions.
  • Add stability badge in README.

0.11.7 (27.12.2022)

  • Add Renovate as dependency update tool.
  • Add default permissions as read-only in the CI workflow.

0.11.6 (22.12.2022)

  • Harden GitHub Actions.

0.11.5 (20.12.2022)

  • Update build badge and lock to ubuntu-20.04.

0.11.4 (31.10.2022)

  • Add missing tests in Signature module.
  • Upgrade stellar_base to v0.8.7 and ossf/scorecard-action to v2.0.6.

0.11.3 (25.10.2022)

  • Enable ExCoveralls with parallel builds.

0.11.2 (18.10.2022)

  • Include OpenSSF BestPractices & Scorecard badges in README.

0.11.1 (13.10.2022)

  • Fix documentation paths.

0.11.0 (13.10.2022)

  • Support Signature for the missing signer types: Hash(x), Ed25519 Signed Payload.
  • Make SetOptions operation more user-friendly and descriptive by changing the initialization entries.
  • Add TxBuild.hash/1 function to get the hash of a transaction.
  • Expose TransactionSignature.base_signature/1 function.
  • Add example guides for the signature types: Hash(x), Pre-authorized transaction, and Ed25519 Signed Payload.

0.10.2 (21.09.2022)

  • Update assets parameters for Offers and Trades.

0.10.1 (21.09.2022)

  • Fix bug by adding CreateClaimableBalance within allowed operations.

0.10.0 (15.09.2022)

  • Avoid parsing string amount fields to float in Horizon API responses.

0.9.3 (05.09.2022)

  • Fix bug in SetOptions when setting a signer.
  • Fix bug in TimeBounds to allow backward compatibility (merged with preconditions).

0.9.2 (09.08.2022)

  • Fix preconditions to allow minimum sequence number field to be optional.
  • Add stellar protocol 19 documentation.

0.9.1 (08.08.2022)

  • Add scorecards actions

0.9.0 (05.08.2022)

  • Stellar protocol-19 support implementation.
  • Add optional fields for account records.
  • Add CAP-21 preconditions for transaction attributes.
  • Add CAP-40 decorate signature hint and support for signed payload signature.
  • Refactor signer key signatures implementation.
  • Remove unused alias in tests and fix documentation examples.
  • Add Trade Agreggations endpoint.

0.8.1 (28.07.2022)

  • Refactor Paths endpoint to improve UX.

0.8.0 (27.07.2022)

  • Add Fee Stats, Paths, and Order Books endpoints.
  • Add Keypair.valid_signature?/3 function.
  • Fix documentation examples to create accounts and payments.
  • Automate publishing of new releases to using CD.

0.7.1 (25.07.2022)

  • Add security policy to the repository

0.7.0 (27.05.2022)

  • Add CreateClaimableBalance, ClaimClaimableBalance, RevokeSponsorship operations.
  • Fix PoolID hashing bug.
  • Fix base_fee calculation bug.
  • Code abstractions for Signer and SignerKey.

0.6.0 (18.04.2022)

  • Add SetTrustLineFlags operation.
  • Add LiquidityPoolWithdraw and LiquidityPoolDeposit operations.
  • Functional Horizon pagination feature.
  • Better error handling for the TxBuild module.
  • Ensure library dependencies are properly loaded on start.

0.5.0 (21.03.2022)

  • Enable signatures for base64-encoded transaction envelopes.
  • Improve library docs.

0.4.0 (11.03.2022)

  • Compose functional Horizon requests.
  • Build structures for Horizon resources.
  • Build structures for all the operation types.
  • Implement functions to consume Horizon endpoints.
  • Querying Horizon docs.

0.3.0 (11.02.2022)

  • CAP-0027 Add suport for multiplexed accounts.

0.2.0 (07.02.2022)

  • Add base documentation and initial examples.
  • Dynamically update the transaction's BaseFee.
  • Submit transactions to Horizon.
  • Fetch next account's sequence number from Horizon.
  • Retrieve account data from Horizon.
  • Implement transaction signatures.
  • Add TxBuild validations.
  • TxBuild constructions for operations.
  • Define a Horizon abstraction. Add a default implementation.
  • Define a TxBuild abstraction. Add a default implementation.

0.1.1 (05.11.2021)

  • Update library namespace from StellarSDK to Stellar.
  • Upgrade stellar_base dependency.
  • Improve the Horizon layer and the HTTP client implementation.

0.1.0 (18.08.2021)

  • Horizon HTTP client