View Source AWS.IoT (aws-elixir v1.0.4)
IoT provides secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected devices (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smart appliances) and the Amazon Web Services cloud.
You can discover your custom IoT-Data endpoint to communicate with, configure rules for data processing and integration with other services, organize resources associated with each device (Registry), configure logging, and create and manage policies and credentials to authenticate devices.
The service endpoints that expose this API are listed in Amazon Web Services IoT Core Endpoints and Quotas. You must use the endpoint for the region that has the resources you want to access.
The service name used by Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4 to sign the request is: execute-api.
For more information about how IoT works, see the Developer Guide.
For information about how to use the credentials provider for IoT, see Authorizing Direct Calls to Amazon Web Services Services.
Link to this section Summary
Accepts a pending certificate transfer.
Adds a thing to a billing group.
Adds a thing to a thing group.
Associates the selected software bill of materials (SBOM) with a specific software package version.
Associates a group with a continuous job.
Attaches the specified policy to the specified principal (certificate or other credential).
Attaches the specified policy to the specified principal (certificate or other credential).
Associates a Device Defender security profile with a thing group or this account.
Attaches the specified principal to the specified thing.
Cancels a mitigation action task that is in progress.
Cancels an audit that is in progress.
Cancels a pending transfer for the specified certificate.
Cancels a Device Defender ML Detect mitigation action.
Cancels a job.
Cancels the execution of a job for a given thing.
Clears the default authorizer.
Confirms a topic rule destination.
Creates a Device Defender audit suppression.
Creates an authorizer.
Creates a billing group.
Creates an X.509 certificate using the specified certificate signing request.
Creates an Amazon Web Services IoT Core certificate provider.
Creates a command.
Use this API to define a Custom Metric published by your devices to Device Defender.
Create a dimension that you can use to limit the scope of a metric used in a security profile for IoT Device Defender.
Creates a domain configuration.
Creates a dynamic thing group.
Creates a fleet metric.
Creates a job.
Creates a job template.
Creates a 2048-bit RSA key pair and issues an X.509 certificate using the issued public key.
Defines an action that can be applied to audit findings by using StartAuditMitigationActionsTask.
Creates an IoT OTA update on a target group of things or groups.
Creates an IoT software package that can be deployed to your fleet.
Creates a new version for an existing IoT software package.
Creates an IoT policy.
Creates a new version of the specified IoT policy.
Creates a provisioning claim.
Creates a provisioning template.
Creates a new version of a provisioning template.
Creates a role alias.
Creates a scheduled audit that is run at a specified time interval.
Creates a Device Defender security profile.
Creates a stream for delivering one or more large files in chunks over MQTT.
Creates a thing record in the registry.
Create a thing group.
Creates a new thing type.
Creates a rule.
Creates a topic rule destination.
Restores the default settings for Device Defender audits for this account.
Deletes a Device Defender audit suppression.
Deletes an authorizer.
Deletes the billing group.
Deletes a registered CA certificate.
Deletes the specified certificate.
Deletes a certificate provider.
Delete a command resource.
Delete a command execution.
Deletes a Device Defender detect custom metric.
Removes the specified dimension from your Amazon Web Services accounts.
Deletes the specified domain configuration.
Deletes a dynamic thing group.
Deletes the specified fleet metric.
Deletes a job and its related job executions.
Deletes a job execution.
Deletes the specified job template.
Deletes a defined mitigation action from your Amazon Web Services accounts.
Delete an OTA update.
Deletes a specific version from a software package.
Deletes a specific version from a software package.
Deletes the specified policy.
Deletes the specified version of the specified policy.
Deletes a provisioning template.
Deletes a provisioning template version.
Deletes a CA certificate registration code.
Deletes a role alias
Deletes a scheduled audit.
Deletes a Device Defender security profile.
Deletes a stream.
Deletes the specified thing.
Deletes a thing group.
Deletes the specified thing type.
Deletes the rule.
Deletes a topic rule destination.
Deletes a logging level.
Deprecates a thing type.
Gets information about the Device Defender audit settings for this account.
Gets information about a single audit finding.
Gets information about an audit mitigation task that is used to apply mitigation actions to a set of audit findings.
Gets information about a Device Defender audit suppression.
Gets information about a Device Defender audit.
Describes an authorizer.
Returns information about a billing group.
Describes a registered CA certificate.
Gets information about the specified certificate.
Describes a certificate provider.
Gets information about a Device Defender detect custom metric.
Describes the default authorizer.
Gets information about a Device Defender ML Detect mitigation action.
Provides details about a dimension that is defined in your Amazon Web Services accounts.
Gets summary information about a domain configuration.
Returns or creates a unique endpoint specific to the Amazon Web Services account making the call.
Describes event configurations.
Gets information about the specified fleet metric.
Describes a search index.
Describes a job execution.
Returns information about a job template.
View details of a managed job template.
Gets information about a mitigation action.
Returns information about a provisioning template.
Returns information about a provisioning template version.
Describes a role alias.
Gets information about a scheduled audit.
Gets information about a Device Defender security profile.
Gets information about a stream.
Gets information about the specified thing.
Describe a thing group.
Describes a bulk thing provisioning task.
Gets information about the specified thing type.
Detaches a policy from the specified target.
Removes the specified policy from the specified certificate.
Disassociates a Device Defender security profile from a thing group or from this account.
Detaches the specified principal from the specified thing.
Disables the rule.
Disassociates the selected software bill of materials (SBOM) from a specific software package version.
Enables the rule.
Returns a Device Defender's ML Detect Security Profile training model's status.
Aggregates on indexed data with search queries pertaining to particular fields.
Returns the approximate count of unique values that match the query.
Gets information about the specified command.
Gets information about the specific command execution on a single device.
Gets a list of the policies that have an effect on the authorization behavior of the specified device when it connects to the IoT device gateway.
Gets the indexing configuration.
Gets a job document.
Gets the logging options.
Gets an OTA update.
Gets information about the specified software package.
Gets information about the specified software package's configuration.
Gets information about the specified package version.
Groups the aggregated values that match the query into percentile groupings.
Gets information about the specified policy with the policy document of the default version.
Gets information about the specified policy version.
Gets a registration code used to register a CA certificate with IoT.
Returns the count, average, sum, minimum, maximum, sum of squares, variance, and standard deviation for the specified aggregated field.
Gets information about the rule.
Gets information about a topic rule destination.
Gets the fine grained logging options.
Lists the active violations for a given Device Defender security profile.
Lists the policies attached to the specified thing group.
Lists the findings (results) of a Device Defender audit or of the audits performed during a specified time period.
Gets the status of audit mitigation action tasks that were executed.
Gets a list of audit mitigation action tasks that match the specified filters.
Lists your Device Defender audit listings.
Lists the Device Defender audits that have been performed during a given time period.
Lists the authorizers registered in your account.
Lists the billing groups you have created.
Lists the CA certificates registered for your Amazon Web Services account.
Lists all your certificate providers in your Amazon Web Services account.
Lists the certificates registered in your Amazon Web Services account.
List the device certificates signed by the specified CA certificate.
List all command executions.
List all commands in your account.
Lists your Device Defender detect custom metrics.
Lists mitigation actions executions for a Device Defender ML Detect Security Profile.
List of Device Defender ML Detect mitigation actions tasks.
List the set of dimensions that are defined for your Amazon Web Services accounts.
Gets a list of domain configurations for the user.
Lists all your fleet metrics.
Lists the search indices.
Lists the job executions for a job.
Lists the job executions for the specified thing.
Returns a list of job templates.
Returns a list of managed job templates.
Lists the values reported for an IoT Device Defender metric (device-side metric, cloud-side metric, or custom metric) by the given thing during the specified time period.
Gets a list of all mitigation actions that match the specified filter criteria.
Lists OTA updates.
Lists certificates that are being transferred but not yet accepted.
Lists the software package versions associated to the account.
Lists the software packages associated to the account.
Lists your policies.
Lists the principals associated with the specified policy.
Lists the versions of the specified policy and identifies the default version.
Lists the policies attached to the specified principal.
Lists the things associated with the specified principal.
Lists the things associated with the specified principal.
A list of provisioning template versions.
Lists the provisioning templates in your Amazon Web Services account.
The related resources of an Audit finding.
Lists the role aliases registered in your account.
The validation results for all software bill of materials (SBOM) attached to a specific software package version.
Lists all of your scheduled audits.
Lists the Device Defender security profiles you've created.
Lists the Device Defender security profiles attached to a target (thing group).
Lists all of the streams in your Amazon Web Services account.
Lists the tags (metadata) you have assigned to the resource.
List targets for the specified policy.
Lists the targets (thing groups) associated with a given Device Defender security profile.
List the thing groups in your account.
List the thing groups to which the specified thing belongs.
Lists the principals associated with the specified thing.
Lists the principals associated with the specified thing.
Information about the thing registration tasks.
List bulk thing provisioning tasks.
Lists the existing thing types.
Lists the things you have added to the given billing group.
Lists the things in the specified group.
Lists all the topic rule destinations in your Amazon Web Services account.
Lists the rules for the specific topic.
Lists logging levels.
Lists the Device Defender security profile violations discovered during the given time period.
Set a verification state and provide a description of that verification state on a violation (detect alarm).
Registers a CA certificate with Amazon Web Services IoT Core.
Registers a device certificate with IoT in the same certificate mode as the signing CA.
Register a certificate that does not have a certificate authority (CA).
Provisions a thing in the device registry.
Rejects a pending certificate transfer.
Removes the given thing from the billing group.
Remove the specified thing from the specified group.
Replaces the rule.
The query search index.
Sets the default authorizer.
Sets the specified version of the specified policy as the policy's default (operative) version.
Sets the logging options.
Sets the logging level.
Sets the logging options for the V2 logging service.
Starts a task that applies a set of mitigation actions to the specified target.
Starts a Device Defender ML Detect mitigation actions task.
Starts an on-demand Device Defender audit.
Creates a bulk thing provisioning task.
Cancels a bulk thing provisioning task.
Adds to or modifies the tags of the given resource.
Tests if a specified principal is authorized to perform an IoT action on a specified resource.
Tests a custom authorization behavior by invoking a specified custom authorizer.
Transfers the specified certificate to the specified Amazon Web Services account.
Removes the given tags (metadata) from the resource.
Configures or reconfigures the Device Defender audit settings for this account.
Updates a Device Defender audit suppression.
Updates an authorizer.
Updates information about the billing group.
Updates a registered CA certificate.
Updates the status of the specified certificate.
Updates a certificate provider.
Update information about a command or mark a command for deprecation.
Updates a Device Defender detect custom metric.
Updates the definition for a dimension.
Updates values stored in the domain configuration.
Updates a dynamic thing group.
Updates the event configurations.
Updates the data for a fleet metric.
Updates the search configuration.
Updates supported fields of the specified job.
Updates the definition for the specified mitigation action.
Updates the supported fields for a specific software package.
Updates the software package configuration.
Updates the supported fields for a specific package version.
Updates a provisioning template.
Updates a role alias.
Updates a scheduled audit, including which checks are performed and how often the audit takes place.
Updates a Device Defender security profile.
Updates an existing stream.
Updates the data for a thing.
Update a thing group.
Updates the groups to which the thing belongs.
Updates a thing type.
Updates a topic rule destination.
Validates a Device Defender security profile behaviors specification.
Link to this section Functions
accept_certificate_transfer(client, certificate_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceAccepts a pending certificate transfer.
The default state of the certificate is INACTIVE.
To check for pending certificate transfers, call ListCertificates
to enumerate your certificates.
Requires permission to access the AcceptCertificateTransfer action.
Adds a thing to a billing group.
Requires permission to access the AddThingToBillingGroup action.
Adds a thing to a thing group.
Requires permission to access the AddThingToThingGroup action.
associate_sbom_with_package_version(client, package_name, version_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceAssociates the selected software bill of materials (SBOM) with a specific software package version.
Requires permission to access the AssociateSbomWithPackageVersion action.
Associates a group with a continuous job.
The following criteria must be met:
The job must have been created with the targetSelection
set to "CONTINUOUS".
* The job status must currently be "IN_PROGRESS".
* The total number of targets associated with a job must not exceed 100.
Requires permission to access the AssociateTargetsWithJob action.
Attaches the specified policy to the specified principal (certificate or other credential).
Requires permission to access the AttachPolicy action.
attach_principal_policy(client, policy_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceAttaches the specified policy to the specified principal (certificate or other credential).
Note: This action is deprecated and works as
expected for backward compatibility, but we won't add enhancements. Use
Requires permission to access the AttachPrincipalPolicy action.
attach_security_profile(client, security_profile_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceAssociates a Device Defender security profile with a thing group or this account.
Each thing group or account can have up to five security profiles associated with it.
Requires permission to access the AttachSecurityProfile action.
Attaches the specified principal to the specified thing.
A principal can be X.509 certificates, Amazon Cognito identities or federated identities.
Requires permission to access the AttachThingPrincipal action.
cancel_audit_mitigation_actions_task(client, task_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCancels a mitigation action task that is in progress.
If the task is not in progress, an InvalidRequestException occurs.
Requires permission to access the CancelAuditMitigationActionsTask action.
Cancels an audit that is in progress.
The audit can be either scheduled or on demand. If the audit isn't in progress, an "InvalidRequestException" occurs.
Requires permission to access the CancelAuditTask action.
cancel_certificate_transfer(client, certificate_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCancels a pending transfer for the specified certificate.
Note Only the transfer source account can use this
operation to cancel a transfer. (Transfer destinations can use
instead.) After transfer, IoT returns the
certificate to the source account in the INACTIVE state. After the destination
account has
accepted the transfer, the transfer cannot be cancelled.
After a certificate transfer is cancelled, the status of the certificate changes from PENDING_TRANSFER to INACTIVE.
Requires permission to access the CancelCertificateTransfer action.
cancel_detect_mitigation_actions_task(client, task_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCancels a Device Defender ML Detect mitigation action.
Requires permission to access the CancelDetectMitigationActionsTask action.
Cancels a job.
Requires permission to access the CancelJob action.
cancel_job_execution(client, job_id, thing_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCancels the execution of a job for a given thing.
Requires permission to access the CancelJobExecution action.
Clears the default authorizer.
Requires permission to access the ClearDefaultAuthorizer action.
confirm_topic_rule_destination(client, confirmation_token, options \\ [])
View SourceConfirms a topic rule destination.
When you create a rule requiring a destination, IoT
sends a confirmation message to the endpoint or base address you specify. The
includes a token which you pass back when calling ConfirmTopicRuleDestination
to confirm that you own or have access to the endpoint.
Requires permission to access the ConfirmTopicRuleDestination action.
Creates a Device Defender audit suppression.
Requires permission to access the CreateAuditSuppression action.
Creates an authorizer.
Requires permission to access the CreateAuthorizer action.
create_billing_group(client, billing_group_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates a billing group.
If this call is made multiple times using
the same billing group name and configuration, the call will succeed. If this
call is made with
the same billing group name but different configuration a
is thrown.
Requires permission to access the CreateBillingGroup action.
Creates an X.509 certificate using the specified certificate signing request.
Requires permission to access the CreateCertificateFromCsr action.
The CSR must include a public key that is either an RSA key with a length of at least 2048 bits or an ECC key from NIST P-256, NIST P-384, or NIST P-521 curves. For supported certificates, consult Certificate signing algorithms supported by IoT.
Reusing the same certificate signing request (CSR) results in a distinct certificate.
You can create multiple certificates in a batch by creating a directory, copying
multiple .csr
files into that directory, and then specifying that directory on
the command
line. The following commands show how to create a batch of certificates given a
batch of
CSRs. In the following commands, we assume that a set of CSRs are located inside
of the
directory my-csr-directory:
On Linux and OS X, the command is:
$ ls my-csr-directory/ | xargs -I {} aws iot create-certificate-from-csr
--certificate-signing-request file://my-csr-directory/{}
This command lists all of the CSRs in my-csr-directory and pipes each CSR file
to the aws iot create-certificate-from-csr
Amazon Web Services CLI command to
create a certificate for
the corresponding CSR.
You can also run the aws iot create-certificate-from-csr
part of the
command in parallel to speed up the certificate creation process:
$ ls my-csr-directory/ | xargs -P 10 -I {} aws iot create-certificate-from-csr
--certificate-signing-request file://my-csr-directory/{}
On Windows PowerShell, the command to create certificates for all CSRs in my-csr-directory is:
> ls -Name my-csr-directory | %{aws iot create-certificate-from-csr
--certificate-signing-request file://my-csr-directory/$_}
On a Windows command prompt, the command to create certificates for all CSRs in my-csr-directory is:
> forfiles /p my-csr-directory /c "cmd /c aws iot create-certificate-from-csr
--certificate-signing-request file://@path"
create_certificate_provider(client, certificate_provider_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates an Amazon Web Services IoT Core certificate provider.
You can use Amazon Web Services IoT Core certificate provider to customize how to sign a certificate signing request (CSR) in IoT fleet provisioning. For more information, see Customizing certificate signing using Amazon Web Services IoT Core certificate provider from Amazon Web Services IoT Core Developer Guide.
Requires permission to access the CreateCertificateProvider action.
After you create a certificate provider, the behavior of
API for fleet
change and all API calls to CreateCertificateFromCsr
will invoke the
certificate provider to create the certificates. It can take up to a few minutes
this behavior to change after a certificate provider is created.
Creates a command.
A command contains reusable configurations that can be applied before they are sent to the devices.
Use this API to define a Custom Metric published by your devices to Device Defender.
Requires permission to access the CreateCustomMetric action.
Create a dimension that you can use to limit the scope of a metric used in a security profile for IoT Device Defender.
For example, using a TOPIC_FILTER
dimension, you can narrow down the scope of
the metric only to MQTT topics whose name match the pattern specified in the
Requires permission to access the CreateDimension action.
create_domain_configuration(client, domain_configuration_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates a domain configuration.
Requires permission to access the CreateDomainConfiguration action.
create_dynamic_thing_group(client, thing_group_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates a dynamic thing group.
Requires permission to access the CreateDynamicThingGroup action.
Creates a fleet metric.
Requires permission to access the CreateFleetMetric action.
Creates a job.
Requires permission to access the CreateJob action.
create_job_template(client, job_template_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates a job template.
Requires permission to access the CreateJobTemplate action.
Creates a 2048-bit RSA key pair and issues an X.509 certificate using the issued public key.
You can also call CreateKeysAndCertificate
over MQTT from a
device, for more information, see Provisioning MQTT API.
Note This is the only time IoT issues the private key for this certificate, so it is important to keep it in a secure location.
Requires permission to access the CreateKeysAndCertificate action.
create_mitigation_action(client, action_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDefines an action that can be applied to audit findings by using StartAuditMitigationActionsTask.
Only certain types of mitigation actions can be applied to specific check names. For more information, see Mitigation actions. Each mitigation action can apply only one type of change.
Requires permission to access the CreateMitigationAction action.
Creates an IoT OTA update on a target group of things or groups.
Requires permission to access the CreateOTAUpdate action.
Creates an IoT software package that can be deployed to your fleet.
Requires permission to access the CreatePackage and GetIndexingConfiguration actions.
create_package_version(client, package_name, version_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates a new version for an existing IoT software package.
Requires permission to access the CreatePackageVersion and GetIndexingConfiguration actions.
Creates an IoT policy.
The created policy is the default version for the policy. This operation creates a policy version with a version identifier of 1 and sets 1 as the policy's default version.
Requires permission to access the CreatePolicy action.
Creates a new version of the specified IoT policy.
To update a policy, create a
new policy version. A managed policy can have up to five versions. If the policy
has five
versions, you must use DeletePolicyVersion
to delete an existing version
before you create a new one.
Optionally, you can set the new version as the policy's default version. The default version is the operative version (that is, the version that is in effect for the certificates to which the policy is attached).
Requires permission to access the CreatePolicyVersion action.
create_provisioning_claim(client, template_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates a provisioning claim.
Requires permission to access the CreateProvisioningClaim action.
Creates a provisioning template.
Requires permission to access the CreateProvisioningTemplate action.
create_provisioning_template_version(client, template_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates a new version of a provisioning template.
Requires permission to access the CreateProvisioningTemplateVersion action.
Creates a role alias.
Requires permission to access the CreateRoleAlias action.
The value of
must be less than or equal to the maximum session
duration of the IAM role that the role alias references. For more information,
Modifying a role maximum session duration (Amazon Web Services
from the Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management User Guide.
create_scheduled_audit(client, scheduled_audit_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates a scheduled audit that is run at a specified time interval.
Requires permission to access the CreateScheduledAudit action.
create_security_profile(client, security_profile_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreates a Device Defender security profile.
Requires permission to access the CreateSecurityProfile action.
Creates a stream for delivering one or more large files in chunks over MQTT.
A stream transports data bytes in chunks or blocks packaged as MQTT messages from a source like S3. You can have one or more files associated with a stream.
Requires permission to access the CreateStream action.
Creates a thing record in the registry.
If this call is made multiple times using
the same thing name and configuration, the call will succeed. If this call is
made with
the same thing name but different configuration a
is thrown.
This is a control plane operation. See Authorization for information about authorizing control plane actions.
Requires permission to access the CreateThing action.
create_thing_group(client, thing_group_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreate a thing group.
This is a control plane operation. See Authorization for information about authorizing control plane actions.
If the ThingGroup
that you create has the exact same attributes as an existing
, you will get a 200 success response.
Requires permission to access the CreateThingGroup action.
Creates a new thing type.
If this call is made multiple times using
the same thing type name and configuration, the call will succeed. If this call
is made with
the same thing type name but different configuration a
is thrown.
Requires permission to access the CreateThingType action.
Creates a rule.
Creating rules is an administrator-level action. Any user who has permission to create rules will be able to access data processed by the rule.
Requires permission to access the CreateTopicRule action.
Creates a topic rule destination.
The destination must be confirmed prior to use.
Requires permission to access the CreateTopicRuleDestination action.
Restores the default settings for Device Defender audits for this account.
Any configuration data you entered is deleted and all audit checks are reset to disabled.
Requires permission to access the DeleteAccountAuditConfiguration action.
Deletes a Device Defender audit suppression.
Requires permission to access the DeleteAuditSuppression action.
Deletes an authorizer.
Requires permission to access the DeleteAuthorizer action.
delete_billing_group(client, billing_group_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes the billing group.
Requires permission to access the DeleteBillingGroup action.
delete_ca_certificate(client, certificate_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a registered CA certificate.
Requires permission to access the DeleteCACertificate action.
Deletes the specified certificate.
A certificate cannot be deleted if it has a policy or IoT thing attached to it
or if
its status is set to ACTIVE. To delete a certificate, first use the
action to detach all policies. Next, use the UpdateCertificate
action to set the certificate to the INACTIVE
Requires permission to access the DeleteCertificate action.
delete_certificate_provider(client, certificate_provider_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a certificate provider.
Requires permission to access the DeleteCertificateProvider action.
If you delete the certificate provider resource, the behavior of
will resume, and IoT will create
certificates signed by IoT from a certificate signing request (CSR).
Delete a command resource.
delete_command_execution(client, execution_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDelete a command execution.
Only command executions that enter a terminal state can be deleted from your account.
Deletes a Device Defender detect custom metric.
Requires permission to access the DeleteCustomMetric action.
Before you can delete a custom metric, you must first remove the custom metric
from all
security profiles it's a part of.
profile associated with the custom metric can be found using the
API with metricName
set to your custom metric name.
Removes the specified dimension from your Amazon Web Services accounts.
Requires permission to access the DeleteDimension action.
delete_domain_configuration(client, domain_configuration_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes the specified domain configuration.
Requires permission to access the DeleteDomainConfiguration action.
delete_dynamic_thing_group(client, thing_group_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a dynamic thing group.
Requires permission to access the DeleteDynamicThingGroup action.
Deletes the specified fleet metric.
Returns successfully with no error if the deletion is successful or you specify a fleet metric that doesn't exist.
Requires permission to access the DeleteFleetMetric action.
Deletes a job and its related job executions.
Deleting a job may take time, depending on the number of job executions created for the job and various other factors. While the job is being deleted, the status of the job will be shown as "DELETION_IN_PROGRESS". Attempting to delete or cancel a job whose status is already "DELETION_IN_PROGRESS" will result in an error.
Only 10 jobs may have status "DELETION_IN_PROGRESS" at the same time, or a LimitExceededException will occur.
Requires permission to access the DeleteJob action.
delete_job_execution(client, execution_number, job_id, thing_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a job execution.
Requires permission to access the DeleteJobExecution action.
delete_job_template(client, job_template_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes the specified job template.
delete_mitigation_action(client, action_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a defined mitigation action from your Amazon Web Services accounts.
Requires permission to access the DeleteMitigationAction action.
Delete an OTA update.
Requires permission to access the DeleteOTAUpdate action.
Deletes a specific version from a software package.
Note: All package versions must be deleted before deleting the software package.
Requires permission to access the DeletePackageVersion action.
delete_package_version(client, package_name, version_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a specific version from a software package.
Note: If a package version is designated as default, you must remove the
designation from the software package using the UpdatePackage
Deletes the specified policy.
A policy cannot be deleted if it has non-default versions or it is attached to any certificate.
To delete a policy, use the DeletePolicyVersion
action to delete all
versions of the policy; use the DetachPolicy
action to detach the policy from
certificate; and then use the DeletePolicy action to delete the policy.
When a policy is deleted using DeletePolicy, its default version is deleted with it.
Because of the distributed nature of Amazon Web Services, it can take up to five minutes after a policy is detached before it's ready to be deleted.
Requires permission to access the DeletePolicy action.
delete_policy_version(client, policy_name, policy_version_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes the specified version of the specified policy.
You cannot delete the default
version of a policy using this action. To delete the default version of a
policy, use DeletePolicy
. To find out which version of a policy is marked as
the default
version, use ListPolicyVersions.
Requires permission to access the DeletePolicyVersion action.
delete_provisioning_template(client, template_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a provisioning template.
Requires permission to access the DeleteProvisioningTemplate action.
delete_provisioning_template_version(client, template_name, version_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a provisioning template version.
Requires permission to access the DeleteProvisioningTemplateVersion action.
Deletes a CA certificate registration code.
Requires permission to access the DeleteRegistrationCode action.
Deletes a role alias
Requires permission to access the DeleteRoleAlias action.
delete_scheduled_audit(client, scheduled_audit_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a scheduled audit.
Requires permission to access the DeleteScheduledAudit action.
delete_security_profile(client, security_profile_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a Device Defender security profile.
Requires permission to access the DeleteSecurityProfile action.
Deletes a stream.
Requires permission to access the DeleteStream action.
Deletes the specified thing.
Returns successfully with no error if the deletion is successful or you specify a thing that doesn't exist.
Requires permission to access the DeleteThing action.
delete_thing_group(client, thing_group_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes a thing group.
Requires permission to access the DeleteThingGroup action.
Deletes the specified thing type.
You cannot delete a thing type if it has things
associated with it. To delete a thing type, first mark it as deprecated by
calling DeprecateThingType
, then remove any associated things by calling
to change the thing type on any associated thing, and
finally use DeleteThingType
to delete the thing type.
Requires permission to access the DeleteThingType action.
Deletes the rule.
Requires permission to access the DeleteTopicRule action.
Deletes a topic rule destination.
Requires permission to access the DeleteTopicRuleDestination action.
Deletes a logging level.
Requires permission to access the DeleteV2LoggingLevel action.
deprecate_thing_type(client, thing_type_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeprecates a thing type.
You can not associate new things with deprecated thing type.
Requires permission to access the DeprecateThingType action.
Gets information about the Device Defender audit settings for this account.
Settings include how audit notifications are sent and which audit checks are enabled or disabled.
Requires permission to access the DescribeAccountAuditConfiguration action.
Gets information about a single audit finding.
Properties include the reason for noncompliance, the severity of the issue, and the start time when the audit that returned the finding.
Requires permission to access the DescribeAuditFinding action.
describe_audit_mitigation_actions_task(client, task_id, options \\ [])
View SourceGets information about an audit mitigation task that is used to apply mitigation actions to a set of audit findings.
Properties include the actions being applied, the audit checks to which they're being applied, the task status, and aggregated task statistics.
Gets information about a Device Defender audit suppression.
Gets information about a Device Defender audit.
Requires permission to access the DescribeAuditTask action.
Describes an authorizer.
Requires permission to access the DescribeAuthorizer action.
Returns information about a billing group.
Requires permission to access the DescribeBillingGroup action.
Describes a registered CA certificate.
Requires permission to access the DescribeCACertificate action.
Gets information about the specified certificate.
Requires permission to access the DescribeCertificate action.
describe_certificate_provider(client, certificate_provider_name, options \\ [])
View SourceDescribes a certificate provider.
Requires permission to access the DescribeCertificateProvider action.
Gets information about a Device Defender detect custom metric.
Requires permission to access the DescribeCustomMetric action.
Describes the default authorizer.
Requires permission to access the DescribeDefaultAuthorizer action.
describe_detect_mitigation_actions_task(client, task_id, options \\ [])
View SourceGets information about a Device Defender ML Detect mitigation action.
Requires permission to access the DescribeDetectMitigationActionsTask action.
Provides details about a dimension that is defined in your Amazon Web Services accounts.
Requires permission to access the DescribeDimension action.
describe_domain_configuration(client, domain_configuration_name, options \\ [])
View SourceGets summary information about a domain configuration.
Requires permission to access the DescribeDomainConfiguration action.
Returns or creates a unique endpoint specific to the Amazon Web Services account making the call.
The first time DescribeEndpoint
is called, an endpoint is created. All
subsequent calls to DescribeEndpoint
return the same endpoint.
Requires permission to access the DescribeEndpoint action.
Describes event configurations.
Requires permission to access the DescribeEventConfigurations action.
Gets information about the specified fleet metric.
Requires permission to access the DescribeFleetMetric action.
Describes a search index.
Requires permission to access the DescribeIndex action.
describe_job(client, job_id, before_substitution \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceDescribes a job.
Requires permission to access the DescribeJob action.
describe_job_execution(client, job_id, thing_name, execution_number \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceDescribes a job execution.
Requires permission to access the DescribeJobExecution action.
Returns information about a job template.
describe_managed_job_template(client, template_name, template_version \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceView details of a managed job template.
Gets information about a mitigation action.
Requires permission to access the DescribeMitigationAction action.
describe_provisioning_template(client, template_name, options \\ [])
View SourceReturns information about a provisioning template.
Requires permission to access the DescribeProvisioningTemplate action.
describe_provisioning_template_version(client, template_name, version_id, options \\ [])
View SourceReturns information about a provisioning template version.
Requires permission to access the DescribeProvisioningTemplateVersion action.
Describes a role alias.
Requires permission to access the DescribeRoleAlias action.
describe_scheduled_audit(client, scheduled_audit_name, options \\ [])
View SourceGets information about a scheduled audit.
Requires permission to access the DescribeScheduledAudit action.
describe_security_profile(client, security_profile_name, options \\ [])
View SourceGets information about a Device Defender security profile.
Requires permission to access the DescribeSecurityProfile action.
Gets information about a stream.
Requires permission to access the DescribeStream action.
Gets information about the specified thing.
Requires permission to access the DescribeThing action.
Describe a thing group.
Requires permission to access the DescribeThingGroup action.
Describes a bulk thing provisioning task.
Requires permission to access the DescribeThingRegistrationTask action.
Gets information about the specified thing type.
Requires permission to access the DescribeThingType action.
Detaches a policy from the specified target.
Because of the distributed nature of Amazon Web Services, it can take up to five minutes after a policy is detached before it's ready to be deleted.
Requires permission to access the DetachPolicy action.
detach_principal_policy(client, policy_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceRemoves the specified policy from the specified certificate.
Note: This action is deprecated and works as
expected for backward compatibility, but we won't add enhancements. Use
Requires permission to access the DetachPrincipalPolicy action.
detach_security_profile(client, security_profile_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDisassociates a Device Defender security profile from a thing group or from this account.
Requires permission to access the DetachSecurityProfile action.
Detaches the specified principal from the specified thing.
A principal can be X.509 certificates, IAM users, groups, and roles, Amazon Cognito identities or federated identities.
This call is asynchronous. It might take several seconds for the detachment to propagate.
Requires permission to access the DetachThingPrincipal action.
Disables the rule.
Requires permission to access the DisableTopicRule action.
disassociate_sbom_from_package_version(client, package_name, version_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDisassociates the selected software bill of materials (SBOM) from a specific software package version.
Requires permission to access the DisassociateSbomWithPackageVersion action.
Enables the rule.
Requires permission to access the EnableTopicRule action.
get_behavior_model_training_summaries(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, security_profile_name \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceReturns a Device Defender's ML Detect Security Profile training model's status.
Requires permission to access the GetBehaviorModelTrainingSummaries action.
Aggregates on indexed data with search queries pertaining to particular fields.
Requires permission to access the GetBucketsAggregation action.
Returns the approximate count of unique values that match the query.
Requires permission to access the GetCardinality action.
Gets information about the specified command.
get_command_execution(client, execution_id, include_result \\ nil, target_arn, options \\ [])
View SourceGets information about the specific command execution on a single device.
Gets a list of the policies that have an effect on the authorization behavior of the specified device when it connects to the IoT device gateway.
Requires permission to access the GetEffectivePolicies action.
Gets the indexing configuration.
Requires permission to access the GetIndexingConfiguration action.
get_job_document(client, job_id, before_substitution \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceGets a job document.
Requires permission to access the GetJobDocument action.
Gets the logging options.
NOTE: use of this command is not recommended. Use GetV2LoggingOptions
Requires permission to access the GetLoggingOptions action.
Gets an OTA update.
Requires permission to access the GetOTAUpdate action.
Gets information about the specified software package.
Requires permission to access the GetPackage action.
Gets information about the specified software package's configuration.
Requires permission to access the GetPackageConfiguration action.
get_package_version(client, package_name, version_name, options \\ [])
View SourceGets information about the specified package version.
Requires permission to access the GetPackageVersion action.
Groups the aggregated values that match the query into percentile groupings.
The default
percentile groupings are: 1,5,25,50,75,95,99, although you can specify your own
when you call GetPercentiles
. This function returns a value for each
percentile group specified (or the default percentile groupings). The percentile
"1" contains the aggregated field value that occurs in approximately one percent
of the
values that match the query. The percentile group "5" contains the aggregated
field value
that occurs in approximately five percent of the values that match the query,
and so on.
The result is an approximation, the more values that match the query, the more
the percentile values.
Requires permission to access the GetPercentiles action.
Gets information about the specified policy with the policy document of the default version.
Requires permission to access the GetPolicy action.
get_policy_version(client, policy_name, policy_version_id, options \\ [])
View SourceGets information about the specified policy version.
Requires permission to access the GetPolicyVersion action.
Gets a registration code used to register a CA certificate with IoT.
IoT will create a registration code as part of this API call if the registration code doesn't exist or has been deleted. If you already have a registration code, this API call will return the same registration code.
Requires permission to access the GetRegistrationCode action.
Returns the count, average, sum, minimum, maximum, sum of squares, variance, and standard deviation for the specified aggregated field.
If the aggregation field is of type
, only the count statistic is returned.
Requires permission to access the GetStatistics action.
Gets information about the rule.
Requires permission to access the GetTopicRule action.
Gets information about a topic rule destination.
Requires permission to access the GetTopicRuleDestination action.
Gets the fine grained logging options.
Requires permission to access the GetV2LoggingOptions action.
list_active_violations(client, behavior_criteria_type \\ nil, list_suppressed_alerts \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, security_profile_name \\ nil, thing_name \\ nil, verification_state \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the active violations for a given Device Defender security profile.
Requires permission to access the ListActiveViolations action.
Lists the policies attached to the specified thing group.
Requires permission to access the ListAttachedPolicies action.
Lists the findings (results) of a Device Defender audit or of the audits performed during a specified time period.
(Findings are retained for 90 days.)
Requires permission to access the ListAuditFindings action.
list_audit_mitigation_actions_executions(client, action_status \\ nil, finding_id, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, task_id, options \\ [])
View SourceGets the status of audit mitigation action tasks that were executed.
Requires permission to access the ListAuditMitigationActionsExecutions action.
list_audit_mitigation_actions_tasks(client, audit_task_id \\ nil, end_time, finding_id \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, start_time, task_status \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceGets a list of audit mitigation action tasks that match the specified filters.
Requires permission to access the ListAuditMitigationActionsTasks action.
Lists your Device Defender audit listings.
Requires permission to access the ListAuditSuppressions action.
list_audit_tasks(client, end_time, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, start_time, task_status \\ nil, task_type \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the Device Defender audits that have been performed during a given time period.
Requires permission to access the ListAuditTasks action.
list_authorizers(client, ascending_order \\ nil, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, status \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the authorizers registered in your account.
Requires permission to access the ListAuthorizers action.
list_billing_groups(client, max_results \\ nil, name_prefix_filter \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the billing groups you have created.
Requires permission to access the ListBillingGroups action.
list_ca_certificates(client, ascending_order \\ nil, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, template_name \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the CA certificates registered for your Amazon Web Services account.
The results are paginated with a default page size of 25. You can use the returned marker to retrieve additional results.
Requires permission to access the ListCACertificates action.
list_certificate_providers(client, ascending_order \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists all your certificate providers in your Amazon Web Services account.
Requires permission to access the ListCertificateProviders action.
list_certificates(client, ascending_order \\ nil, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the certificates registered in your Amazon Web Services account.
The results are paginated with a default page size of 25. You can use the returned marker to retrieve additional results.
Requires permission to access the ListCertificates action.
list_certificates_by_ca(client, ca_certificate_id, ascending_order \\ nil, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceList the device certificates signed by the specified CA certificate.
Requires permission to access the ListCertificatesByCA action.
List all command executions.
You must provide only the
or the completedTimeFilter
information. If you
provide both time filters, the API will generate an error.
You can use this information to find command executions that started within
a specific timeframe.
list_commands(client, command_parameter_name \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, namespace \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, sort_order \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceList all commands in your account.
list_custom_metrics(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists your Device Defender detect custom metrics.
Requires permission to access the ListCustomMetrics action.
list_detect_mitigation_actions_executions(client, end_time \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, start_time \\ nil, task_id \\ nil, thing_name \\ nil, violation_id \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists mitigation actions executions for a Device Defender ML Detect Security Profile.
Requires permission to access the ListDetectMitigationActionsExecutions action.
list_detect_mitigation_actions_tasks(client, end_time, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, start_time, options \\ [])
View SourceList of Device Defender ML Detect mitigation actions tasks.
Requires permission to access the ListDetectMitigationActionsTasks action.
list_dimensions(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceList the set of dimensions that are defined for your Amazon Web Services accounts.
Requires permission to access the ListDimensions action.
list_domain_configurations(client, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, service_type \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceGets a list of domain configurations for the user.
This list is sorted alphabetically by domain configuration name.
Requires permission to access the ListDomainConfigurations action.
list_fleet_metrics(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists all your fleet metrics.
Requires permission to access the ListFleetMetrics action.
list_indices(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the search indices.
Requires permission to access the ListIndices action.
list_job_executions_for_job(client, job_id, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, status \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the job executions for a job.
Requires permission to access the ListJobExecutionsForJob action.
list_job_executions_for_thing(client, thing_name, job_id \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, namespace_id \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, status \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the job executions for the specified thing.
Requires permission to access the ListJobExecutionsForThing action.
list_job_templates(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceReturns a list of job templates.
Requires permission to access the ListJobTemplates action.
list_jobs(client, max_results \\ nil, namespace_id \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, status \\ nil, target_selection \\ nil, thing_group_id \\ nil, thing_group_name \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists jobs.
Requires permission to access the ListJobs action.
list_managed_job_templates(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, template_name \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceReturns a list of managed job templates.
list_metric_values(client, dimension_name \\ nil, dimension_value_operator \\ nil, end_time, max_results \\ nil, metric_name, next_token \\ nil, start_time, thing_name, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the values reported for an IoT Device Defender metric (device-side metric, cloud-side metric, or custom metric) by the given thing during the specified time period.
list_mitigation_actions(client, action_type \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceGets a list of all mitigation actions that match the specified filter criteria.
Requires permission to access the ListMitigationActions action.
list_ota_updates(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, ota_update_status \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists OTA updates.
Requires permission to access the ListOTAUpdates action.
list_outgoing_certificates(client, ascending_order \\ nil, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists certificates that are being transferred but not yet accepted.
Requires permission to access the ListOutgoingCertificates action.
list_package_versions(client, package_name, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, status \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the software package versions associated to the account.
Requires permission to access the ListPackageVersions action.
list_packages(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the software packages associated to the account.
Requires permission to access the ListPackages action.
list_policies(client, ascending_order \\ nil, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists your policies.
Requires permission to access the ListPolicies action.
list_policy_principals(client, ascending_order \\ nil, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, policy_name, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the principals associated with the specified policy.
Note: This action is deprecated and works as
expected for backward compatibility, but we won't add enhancements. Use
Requires permission to access the ListPolicyPrincipals action.
Lists the versions of the specified policy and identifies the default version.
Requires permission to access the ListPolicyVersions action.
list_principal_policies(client, ascending_order \\ nil, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, principal, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the policies attached to the specified principal.
If you use an Cognito identity, the ID must be in AmazonCognito Identity format.
Note: This action is deprecated and works as
expected for backward compatibility, but we won't add enhancements. Use
Requires permission to access the ListPrincipalPolicies action.
list_principal_things(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, principal, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the things associated with the specified principal.
A principal can be X.509 certificates, IAM users, groups, and roles, Amazon Cognito identities or federated identities.
Requires permission to access the ListPrincipalThings action.
list_principal_things_v2(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, thing_principal_type \\ nil, principal, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the things associated with the specified principal.
A principal can be an X.509 certificate or an Amazon Cognito ID.
Requires permission to access the ListPrincipalThings action.
list_provisioning_template_versions(client, template_name, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceA list of provisioning template versions.
Requires permission to access the ListProvisioningTemplateVersions action.
list_provisioning_templates(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the provisioning templates in your Amazon Web Services account.
Requires permission to access the ListProvisioningTemplates action.
list_role_aliases(client, ascending_order \\ nil, marker \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the role aliases registered in your account.
Requires permission to access the ListRoleAliases action.
list_sbom_validation_results(client, package_name, version_name, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, validation_result \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceThe validation results for all software bill of materials (SBOM) attached to a specific software package version.
Requires permission to access the ListSbomValidationResults action.
list_scheduled_audits(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists all of your scheduled audits.
Requires permission to access the ListScheduledAudits action.
list_security_profiles(client, dimension_name \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, metric_name \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the Device Defender security profiles you've created.
You can filter security profiles by dimension or custom metric.
Requires permission to access the ListSecurityProfiles action.
and metricName
cannot be used in the same request.
list_security_profiles_for_target(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, recursive \\ nil, security_profile_target_arn, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the Device Defender security profiles attached to a target (thing group).
Requires permission to access the ListSecurityProfilesForTarget action.
list_streams(client, ascending_order \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists all of the streams in your Amazon Web Services account.
Requires permission to access the ListStreams action.
list_tags_for_resource(client, next_token \\ nil, resource_arn, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the tags (metadata) you have assigned to the resource.
Requires permission to access the ListTagsForResource action.
list_targets_for_policy(client, policy_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceList targets for the specified policy.
Requires permission to access the ListTargetsForPolicy action.
list_targets_for_security_profile(client, security_profile_name, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the targets (thing groups) associated with a given Device Defender security profile.
Requires permission to access the ListTargetsForSecurityProfile action.
list_thing_groups(client, max_results \\ nil, name_prefix_filter \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, parent_group \\ nil, recursive \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceList the thing groups in your account.
Requires permission to access the ListThingGroups action.
list_thing_groups_for_thing(client, thing_name, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceList the thing groups to which the specified thing belongs.
Requires permission to access the ListThingGroupsForThing action.
list_thing_principals(client, thing_name, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the principals associated with the specified thing.
A principal can be X.509 certificates, IAM users, groups, and roles, Amazon Cognito identities or federated identities.
Requires permission to access the ListThingPrincipals action.
list_thing_principals_v2(client, thing_name, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, thing_principal_type \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the principals associated with the specified thing.
A principal can be an X.509 certificate or an Amazon Cognito ID.
Requires permission to access the ListThingPrincipals action.
list_thing_registration_task_reports(client, task_id, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, report_type, options \\ [])
View SourceInformation about the thing registration tasks.
list_thing_registration_tasks(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, status \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceList bulk thing provisioning tasks.
Requires permission to access the ListThingRegistrationTasks action.
list_thing_types(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, thing_type_name \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the existing thing types.
Requires permission to access the ListThingTypes action.
list_things(client, attribute_name \\ nil, attribute_value \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, thing_type_name \\ nil, use_prefix_attribute_value \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists your things.
Use the attributeName and attributeValue parameters to filter your
things. For example,
calling ListThings
with attributeName=Color and attributeValue=Red
retrieves all things in the registry that contain an attribute Color with
the value Red. For more
information, see List Things
from the Amazon Web Services IoT Core Developer
Requires permission to access the ListThings action.
You will not be charged for calling this API if an Access denied
error is
returned. You will also not be charged if no attributes or pagination token was
provided in request and no pagination token and no results were returned.
list_things_in_billing_group(client, billing_group_name, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the things you have added to the given billing group.
Requires permission to access the ListThingsInBillingGroup action.
list_things_in_thing_group(client, thing_group_name, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, recursive \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the things in the specified group.
Requires permission to access the ListThingsInThingGroup action.
list_topic_rule_destinations(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists all the topic rule destinations in your Amazon Web Services account.
Requires permission to access the ListTopicRuleDestinations action.
list_topic_rules(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, rule_disabled \\ nil, topic \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the rules for the specific topic.
Requires permission to access the ListTopicRules action.
list_v2_logging_levels(client, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, target_type \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists logging levels.
Requires permission to access the ListV2LoggingLevels action.
list_violation_events(client, behavior_criteria_type \\ nil, end_time, list_suppressed_alerts \\ nil, max_results \\ nil, next_token \\ nil, security_profile_name \\ nil, start_time, thing_name \\ nil, verification_state \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceLists the Device Defender security profile violations discovered during the given time period.
You can use filters to limit the results to those alerts issued for a particular security profile, behavior, or thing (device).
Requires permission to access the ListViolationEvents action.
put_verification_state_on_violation(client, violation_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceSet a verification state and provide a description of that verification state on a violation (detect alarm).
Registers a CA certificate with Amazon Web Services IoT Core.
There is no limit to the number of CA
certificates you can register in your Amazon Web Services account. You can
register up to 10 CA
certificates with the same CA subject field
per Amazon Web Services account.
Requires permission to access the RegisterCACertificate action.
Registers a device certificate with IoT in the same certificate mode as the signing CA.
If you have more than one CA certificate that has the same subject field, you must specify the CA certificate that was used to sign the device certificate being registered.
Requires permission to access the RegisterCertificate action.
Register a certificate that does not have a certificate authority (CA).
For supported certificates, consult Certificate signing algorithms supported by IoT.
Provisions a thing in the device registry.
RegisterThing calls other IoT control plane APIs. These calls might exceed your account level IoT Throttling Limits and cause throttle errors. Please contact Amazon Web Services Customer Support to raise your throttling limits if necessary.
Requires permission to access the RegisterThing action.
reject_certificate_transfer(client, certificate_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceRejects a pending certificate transfer.
After IoT rejects a certificate transfer, the certificate status changes from PENDING_TRANSFER to INACTIVE.
To check for pending certificate transfers, call ListCertificates
to enumerate your certificates.
This operation can only be called by the transfer destination. After it is called, the certificate will be returned to the source's account in the INACTIVE state.
Requires permission to access the RejectCertificateTransfer action.
Removes the given thing from the billing group.
Requires permission to access the RemoveThingFromBillingGroup action.
This call is asynchronous. It might take several seconds for the detachment to propagate.
Remove the specified thing from the specified group.
You must specify either a thingGroupArn
or a
to identify the thing group and
either a thingArn
or a thingName
identify the thing to remove from the thing group.
Requires permission to access the RemoveThingFromThingGroup action.
Replaces the rule.
You must specify all parameters for the new rule. Creating rules is an administrator-level action. Any user who has permission to create rules will be able to access data processed by the rule.
Requires permission to access the ReplaceTopicRule action.
The query search index.
Requires permission to access the SearchIndex action.
Sets the default authorizer.
This will be used if a websocket connection is made without specifying an authorizer.
Requires permission to access the SetDefaultAuthorizer action.
set_default_policy_version(client, policy_name, policy_version_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceSets the specified version of the specified policy as the policy's default (operative) version.
This action affects all certificates to which the policy is attached.
To list the principals the policy is attached to, use the
Requires permission to access the SetDefaultPolicyVersion action.
Sets the logging options.
NOTE: use of this command is not recommended. Use SetV2LoggingOptions
Requires permission to access the SetLoggingOptions action.
Sets the logging level.
Requires permission to access the SetV2LoggingLevel action.
Sets the logging options for the V2 logging service.
Requires permission to access the SetV2LoggingOptions action.
start_audit_mitigation_actions_task(client, task_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceStarts a task that applies a set of mitigation actions to the specified target.
Requires permission to access the StartAuditMitigationActionsTask action.
start_detect_mitigation_actions_task(client, task_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceStarts a Device Defender ML Detect mitigation actions task.
Requires permission to access the StartDetectMitigationActionsTask action.
Starts an on-demand Device Defender audit.
Requires permission to access the StartOnDemandAuditTask action.
Creates a bulk thing provisioning task.
Requires permission to access the StartThingRegistrationTask action.
stop_thing_registration_task(client, task_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCancels a bulk thing provisioning task.
Requires permission to access the StopThingRegistrationTask action.
Adds to or modifies the tags of the given resource.
Tags are metadata which can be used to manage a resource.
Requires permission to access the TagResource action.
Tests if a specified principal is authorized to perform an IoT action on a specified resource.
Use this to test and debug the authorization behavior of devices that connect to the IoT device gateway.
Requires permission to access the TestAuthorization action.
test_invoke_authorizer(client, authorizer_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceTests a custom authorization behavior by invoking a specified custom authorizer.
Use this to test and debug the custom authorization behavior of devices that connect to the IoT device gateway.
Requires permission to access the TestInvokeAuthorizer action.
transfer_certificate(client, certificate_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceTransfers the specified certificate to the specified Amazon Web Services account.
Requires permission to access the TransferCertificate action.
You can cancel the transfer until it is acknowledged by the recipient.
No notification is sent to the transfer destination's account. It is up to the caller to notify the transfer target.
The certificate being transferred must not be in the ACTIVE state. You can use
action to deactivate it.
The certificate must not have any policies attached to it. You can use the
action to detach them.
Removes the given tags (metadata) from the resource.
Requires permission to access the UntagResource action.
Configures or reconfigures the Device Defender audit settings for this account.
Settings include how audit notifications are sent and which audit checks are enabled or disabled.
Requires permission to access the UpdateAccountAuditConfiguration action.
Updates a Device Defender audit suppression.
Updates an authorizer.
Requires permission to access the UpdateAuthorizer action.
update_billing_group(client, billing_group_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates information about the billing group.
Requires permission to access the UpdateBillingGroup action.
update_ca_certificate(client, certificate_id, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates a registered CA certificate.
Requires permission to access the UpdateCACertificate action.
Updates the status of the specified certificate.
This operation is idempotent.
Requires permission to access the UpdateCertificate action.
Certificates must be in the ACTIVE state to authenticate devices that use a certificate to connect to IoT.
Within a few minutes of updating a certificate from the ACTIVE state to any other state, IoT disconnects all devices that used that certificate to connect. Devices cannot use a certificate that is not in the ACTIVE state to reconnect.
update_certificate_provider(client, certificate_provider_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates a certificate provider.
Requires permission to access the UpdateCertificateProvider action.
Update information about a command or mark a command for deprecation.
Updates a Device Defender detect custom metric.
Requires permission to access the UpdateCustomMetric action.
Updates the definition for a dimension.
You cannot change the type of a dimension after it is created (you can delete it and recreate it).
Requires permission to access the UpdateDimension action.
update_domain_configuration(client, domain_configuration_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates values stored in the domain configuration.
Domain configurations for default endpoints can't be updated.
Requires permission to access the UpdateDomainConfiguration action.
update_dynamic_thing_group(client, thing_group_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates a dynamic thing group.
Requires permission to access the UpdateDynamicThingGroup action.
Updates the event configurations.
Requires permission to access the UpdateEventConfigurations action.
Updates the data for a fleet metric.
Requires permission to access the UpdateFleetMetric action.
Updates the search configuration.
Requires permission to access the UpdateIndexingConfiguration action.
Updates supported fields of the specified job.
Requires permission to access the UpdateJob action.
update_mitigation_action(client, action_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates the definition for the specified mitigation action.
Requires permission to access the UpdateMitigationAction action.
Updates the supported fields for a specific software package.
Requires permission to access the UpdatePackage and GetIndexingConfiguration actions.
Updates the software package configuration.
Requires permission to access the UpdatePackageConfiguration and iam:PassRole actions.
update_package_version(client, package_name, version_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates the supported fields for a specific package version.
Requires permission to access the UpdatePackageVersion and GetIndexingConfiguration actions.
update_provisioning_template(client, template_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates a provisioning template.
Requires permission to access the UpdateProvisioningTemplate action.
Updates a role alias.
Requires permission to access the UpdateRoleAlias action.
The value of
must be less than or equal to the
maximum session duration of the IAM role that the role alias references. For
information, see Modifying a role maximum session duration (Amazon Web Services
from the Amazon Web Services
Identity and Access Management User Guide.
update_scheduled_audit(client, scheduled_audit_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates a scheduled audit, including which checks are performed and how often the audit takes place.
Requires permission to access the UpdateScheduledAudit action.
update_security_profile(client, security_profile_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdates a Device Defender security profile.
Requires permission to access the UpdateSecurityProfile action.
Updates an existing stream.
The stream version will be incremented by one.
Requires permission to access the UpdateStream action.
Updates the data for a thing.
Requires permission to access the UpdateThing action.
update_thing_group(client, thing_group_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdate a thing group.
Requires permission to access the UpdateThingGroup action.
Updates the groups to which the thing belongs.
Requires permission to access the UpdateThingGroupsForThing action.
Updates a thing type.
Updates a topic rule destination.
You use this to change the status, endpoint URL, or confirmation URL of the destination.
Requires permission to access the UpdateTopicRuleDestination action.
Validates a Device Defender security profile behaviors specification.
Requires permission to access the ValidateSecurityProfileBehaviors action.