View Source AWS.PersonalizeEvents (aws-elixir v1.0.4)
Amazon Personalize can consume real-time user event data, such as stream or click data, and use it for model training either alone or combined with historical data.
For more information see Recording item interaction events.
Link to this section Summary
Records action interaction event data.
Adds one or more actions to an Actions dataset.
Records item interaction event data.
Adds one or more items to an Items dataset.
Adds one or more users to a Users dataset.
Link to this section Functions
Records action interaction event data.
An action interaction event is an interaction between a user and an action. For example, a user taking an action, such a enrolling in a membership program or downloading your app.
For more information about recording action interactions, see Recording action interaction events. For more information about actions in an Actions dataset, see Actions dataset.
Adds one or more actions to an Actions dataset.
For more information see Importing actions individually.
Records item interaction event data.
For more information see Recording item interaction events.
Adds one or more items to an Items dataset.
For more information see Importing items individually.
Adds one or more users to a Users dataset.
For more information see Importing users individually.