View Source AWS.PinpointSMSVoice (aws-elixir v1.0.4)
Pinpoint SMS and Voice Messaging public facing APIs
Link to this section Summary
Create a new configuration set.
Create a new event destination in a configuration set.
Deletes an existing configuration set.
Deletes an event destination in a configuration set.
Obtain information about an event destination, including the types of events it reports, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination, and the name of the event destination.
List all of the configuration sets associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account in the current region.
Create a new voice message and send it to a recipient's phone number.
Update an event destination in a configuration set.
Link to this section Functions
Create a new configuration set.
After you create the configuration set, you can add one or more event destinations to it.
create_configuration_set_event_destination(client, configuration_set_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceCreate a new event destination in a configuration set.
delete_configuration_set(client, configuration_set_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes an existing configuration set.
delete_configuration_set_event_destination(client, configuration_set_name, event_destination_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceDeletes an event destination in a configuration set.
get_configuration_set_event_destinations(client, configuration_set_name, options \\ [])
View SourceObtain information about an event destination, including the types of events it reports, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination, and the name of the event destination.
list_configuration_sets(client, next_token \\ nil, page_size \\ nil, options \\ [])
View SourceList all of the configuration sets associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account in the current region.
Create a new voice message and send it to a recipient's phone number.
update_configuration_set_event_destination(client, configuration_set_name, event_destination_name, input, options \\ [])
View SourceUpdate an event destination in a configuration set.
An event destination is a location that you publish information about your voice calls to. For example, you can log an event to an Amazon CloudWatch destination when a call fails.