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Build Strategies

Bootleg aims to cover the most common build strategies. Because the architecture on which your code runs must be the same as that with which your application was compiled, it's important to build your app in the right environment.

Supported build strategies

Local Machine

To build your app on the same machine where you're running Bootleg, just set the :build_type config option:


use Bootleg.DSL

config(:build_type, :local)

Docker Container

To build your app within a Docker container, create a Dockerfile that reproduces the server environment you are targeting.

Create a Dockerfile

Create a file named in your project directory.

FROM ubuntu:16.04

ENV REFRESHED_AT=2018-08-16 \
    LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \
    HOME=/opt/build \

WORKDIR /opt/build

  apt-get update -y && \
  apt-get install -y git wget vim locales && \
  locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 && \
  wget && \
  dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb && \
  rm erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb && \
  apt-get update -y && \
  apt-get install -y erlang elixir

CMD ["/bin/bash"]
The example here has been borrowed from Distillery's excellent guide.

Build Docker Image

A one-time build command is needed to set up your Docker image:

$ docker build -f -t elixir-ubuntu:latest .

Use Docker with Bootleg

To tell Bootleg to use Docker, set the :build_type and specify the image name in the :docker_build_image option:


use Bootleg.DSL

config(:build_type, :docker)
config(:docker_build_image, "elixir-ubuntu:latest")


If your project has local dependencies, they will not be automatically available from within the Docker image. To satisfy these dependencies you'll need to specify some other options. See docker options for more information.

Remote Build Server

In order to build your project remotely, Bootleg requires that your build server be set up to compile Elixir code. Make sure you have already installed Elixir and Erlang on any build server you define.

To build your app on a remote build server, first define a :build role:


use Bootleg.DSL

role :build, "", user: "develop", workspace: "/some/build/workspace"

When defining a role, host options such as public key can also be supplied. See roles and host options for more information.

Build your app

To initiate the Build step, run the provided Mix task:

$ mix


If your application doesn't build at this point, the errors should point you towards the problem. But don't worry too much about it for right now. We'll cover additional configuration in the following pages.