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Working with Docker

Build with local dependencies

If your application has references to unpublished or local dependencies, you may need to set extra configuration options.


  • If the acme application is set up as a poncho project and is set to load acme-writer via:


# mix.exs
def deps do
  [{:acme_writer, path: "../acme-writer"}]
  • And the folder structure is:
- /home/frank/proj/acme-writer
- /home/frank/proj/acme
- /home/frank/proj/acme/config/deploy.exs
  • And the Dockerfile sets a WORKDIR of /opt/build,

Then we need to mount the proj folder as /opt/build, and use a custom working directory when running the build commands:

use Bootleg.DSL

config(:build_type, :docker)
config(:docker_build_image, "elixir-ubuntu:latest")
config(:docker_build_mount, "/home/frank/proj:/opt/build")
config(:docker_build_opts, ["-w", "/opt/build/acme"])

Now /home/frank/proj will be mounted as /opt/build, but the release will be built from within /opt/build/acme, and dependencies can be satisfied.