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Deployment strategies

Deploying from local machine to application server(s)

This is the default behavior of Bootleg. The release archive built on and copied from the build server and stored on the local filesystem, where it is available to copy to application servers.


use Bootleg.DSL

role :build, "", workspace: "/home/acme/build"
role :app, ["", ""], workspace: "/opt/acme"

Building and deploying on the same server

The release_workspace option specifies where Bootleg should store or locate release archives when using remote servers.

By specifying a release_workspace on the :build role, the release archive is copied to this location on the remote server after it is built.

By specifying a release_workspace on the :app role, the release archive is copied from this location to the app workspace.


use Bootleg.DSL

role :build, "", workspace: "/home/acme/build", release_workspace: "/opt/releases"
role :app, "", workspace: "/opt/acme", release_workspace: "/opt/releases"

Options for deploying from build server to application server(s)

Currently there are two ways to have the release archive copied to/from the build server without needing to download it first.

Both methods described here use the release_workspace option to disable the local file download and set the location where the release archives should be stored.


use Bootleg.DSL

role :build, [...], release_workspace: "/opt/releases"
role :app, [...], release_workspace: "/opt/releases"

Instruct application servers to copy from build server

This example requires that the application servers have been configured to non-interactively connect to the build server using SSH.

use Bootleg.DSL
alias Bootleg.{Config, UI}

task :copy_release_from_build_server do
  build_path = "{Config.version()}.tar.gz"
  release_workspace = Config.get_role(:app).options[:release_workspace]"Copying release from build server..")
  remote :app do
    "scp #{build_path} #{release_workspace}"

after_task(:build, :copy_release_from_build_server)

Instruct build server to copy to application servers

Another option is to redefine the built-in copy_deploy_release task which is executed as part of the remote deployment workflow.

This example requires that the build server has been configured to non-interactively connect to the application servers using SSH.

use Bootleg.DSL
alias Bootleg.{Config, UI}

task :copy_deploy_release, override: true do
  build_role = Config.get_role(:build)
  version = Config.version()

  build_release_path =
    Path.join(build_role.options[:release_workspace], "#{version}.tar.gz")

  app_role = Config.get_role(:app)
  app_release_path = app_role.options[:release_workspace]

  |> Map.get(:hosts)
  |> Enum.each(fn bootleg_host ->
    host_name ="Copying release archive to #{host_name}")

    command =
      "scp #{build_release_path} #{host_name}:#{app_release_path}"

    IO.puts("-> #{command}")

    remote(:build, do: command)