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Actions in Bootleg are paired with roles, which are simply a collection of hosts that are responsible for the same function, for example building a release, archiving a release, or executing commands against a running application.

Hosts can be grouped into one or more roles. Roles can be declared repeatedly to provide options to different sets of hosts.

Roles provided by Bootleg

Role Description
:build Takes only one host. If a list is given, only the first host is used.
:app Takes a list of hosts, or a string with one host.

Defining your own roles

By defining roles, you are defining responsibility groups to cross cut your host infrastructure. The build and app roles have inherent meaning to the default behavior of Bootleg, but you may also define more that you can later filter on when running commands inside a Bootleg hook.

Certain functionality or extensions may require additional roles, for example if your release needs to run Ecto migrations, you could assign a primary: true option to one host and then filter on it.


The role macro requires both a name, specified as an atom, and a host or list of hosts. Any options you want to apply to those hosts can also be supplied.


Setting a different SSH option on a single host

role :app, ["host1", "host2"], user: "deploy", identity: "/home/deploy/.ssh/deploy_key.priv"
role :app, "host2", port: 2222
Two hosts are declared for the app role. Both will use a username of deploy and the same public key identity file. Only host2 will use the non-standard port of 2222.

Setting environment variables for the remote commands

role :app, ["host1", "host2"], env: %{FOO: "bar", BIZ: "baz"}
Two hosts are declared for the app role, both using environment variables set for any commands run remotely, FOO=bar and BIZ=baz.

Setting your own host options

role :db, ["", ""], user: "datadog"
role :db, "", primary: true
Two hosts are declared for the db role. Only will receive an additional host-specific option for being the primary. Host options can be arbitrarily named and targeted by tasks.

Using an internal role option to change behavior

Some host options are defined in Bootleg and have special meaning. release_workspace can be used when a single remote server is used to both build and run the application.

role :build, "", workspace: "/home/deployer/builds", release_workspace: "/home/deployer"
role :app, "", release_workspace: "/home/deployer"
By specifying a release_workspace on the :build role, a release is placed in /home/deployer after it is built. By specifying a release_workspace on the :app role, that same release is copied from the /home/deployer directory to the app workspace.

Additional behaviors

There is another built-in role :all which includes all hosts assigned to any role. :all is only available via remote/2.