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Download Bootleg

Add to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:distillery, "~> 2.1.0", runtime: false},
   {:bootleg, "~> 0.13.0", runtime: false}]

Install Bootleg:

$ mix deps.get

Set-up Distillery


If upgrading from an earlier version of Distillery, you may want to generate a new rel/config.exs with which to compare your existing configuration.

If you do not have a rel/config.exs file, please follow the Distillery guide to create one. Generally this consists of running mix distillery.init and reviewing the resulting file.

Set-up Bootleg

Bootleg will read configuration from the config/deploy.exs file.

A mix task is provided to bootstrap this file for you:

$ mix bootleg.init

Please open and review the created files. The next page will cover configuring Bootleg for your use.