View Source Earmark.Cli.Implementation (Earmark v1.4.47)
Functional (with the exception of reading input files with Earmark.File
) interface to the CLI
returning the device and the string to be output.
@spec run(String.t() | [String.t()]) :: {:stdio, String.t()} | {:stderr, String.t()}
allows functional access to the CLI API, does everything Earmark.Cli.main
does without outputting the result
Returns a tuple of the device to write to (:stdio|:stderr
) and the content to be written
Example: Bad file
iex(0)> run(["no-such--file--ayK7k"])
Example: Good file
iex(1)> {:stdio, html} = run(["test/fixtures/"]) ...(1)> html "<h1>\nHeadline1</h1>\n<hr class=\"thin\">\n<h2>\nHeadline2</h2>\n"
Example: Using EEx
iex(2)> {:stdio, html} = run(["--eex", "--gfm", "--code-class-prefix", "alpha", "--timeout", "12000", "test/fixtures/"]) ...(2)> html "<h1>\nShort2</h1>\n<p>\n<em>Short3</em></p>\n<!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->\n"
Example: Using an EEx template first
iex(3)> run(["--template", "test/fixtures/eex_first.html.eex"])