View Source Earmark.TagSpecificProcessors (Earmark v1.4.47)
This struct represents a list of tuples {tag, function}
from which a postprocessing function
can be constructed
General Usage Examples:
iex(0)> tsp = new({"p", &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "one")})
...(0)> tsp = prepend_tag_function(tsp, "i", &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "two"))
...(0)> make_postprocessor(tsp).({"p", [], nil, nil})
{"p", [{"class", "one"}], nil, nil}
iex(1)> tsp = new({"p", &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "one")})
...(1)> tsp = prepend_tag_function(tsp, "i", &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "two"))
...(1)> make_postprocessor(tsp).({"i", [{"class", "i"}], nil, nil})
{"i", [{"class", "two i"}], nil, nil}
iex(2)> tsp = new({"p", &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "one")})
...(2)> tsp = prepend_tag_function(tsp, "i", &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "two"))
...(2)> make_postprocessor(tsp).({"x", [], nil, nil})
{"x", [], nil, nil}
Constructs a postprocessor function from this struct which will find the function associated to the tag of the node, and apply the node to it if such a function was found.
Convenience construction
Prepends a tuple {tag, function} to the list of such tuples.
@type t() :: %Earmark.TagSpecificProcessors{tag_functions: list()}
Constructs a postprocessor function from this struct which will find the function associated to the tag of the node, and apply the node to it if such a function was found.
Convenience construction
iex(3)> new()
Prepends a tuple {tag, function} to the list of such tuples.