View Source Earmark.Transform (Earmark v1.4.47)

Structure Conserving Transformers

For the convenience of processing the output of Earmark.Parser.as_ast we expose two structure conserving mappers.


Traverses an AST using a mapper function.

The mapper function will be called for each node including text elements unless map_ast is called with the third positional parameter ignore_strings, which is optional and defaults to false, set to true.

Depending on the return value of the mapper function the traversal will either

  • {new_tag, new_atts, ignored, new_meta}

    just replace the tag, attribute and meta values of the current node with the values of the returned quadruple (ignoring ignored for facilitating nodes w/o transformation) and then descend into the original content of the node.

  • {:replace, node}

    replaces the current node with node and does not descend anymore, but continues traversal on sibblings.

  • {new_function, {new_tag, new_atts, ignored, new_meta}}

    just replace the tag, attribute and meta values of the current node with the values of the returned quadruple (ignoring ignored for facilitating nodes w/o transformation) and then descend into the original content of the node but with the mapper function new_function used for transformation of the AST.

    N.B. The original mapper function will be used for transforming the sibbling nodes though.

takes a function that will be called for each node of the AST, where a leaf node is either a quadruple like {"code", [{"class", "inline"}], ["some code"], %{}} or a text leaf like "some code"

The result of the function call must be

  • for nodes → as described above

  • for strings → strings or nodes

As an example let us transform an ast to have symbol keys

  iex(1)> input = [
  ...(1)> {"h1", [], ["Hello"], %{title: true}},
  ...(1)> {"ul", [], [{"li", [], ["alpha"], %{}}, {"li", [], ["beta"], %{}}], %{}}]
  ...(1)> map_ast(input, fn {t, a, _, m} -> {String.to_atom(t), a, nil, m} end, true)
  [ {:h1, [], ["Hello"], %{title: true}},
    {:ul, [], [{:li, [], ["alpha"], %{}}, {:li, [], ["beta"], %{}}], %{}} ]

N.B. If this returning convention is not respected map_ast might not complain, but the resulting transformation might not be suitable for Earmark.Transform.transform anymore. From this follows that any function passed in as value of the postprocessor: option must obey to these conventions.


this is like map_ast but like a reducer an accumulator can also be passed through.

For that reason the function is called with two arguments, the first element being the same value as in map_ast and the second the accumulator. The return values need to be equally augmented tuples.

A simple example, annotating traversal order in the meta map's :count key, as we are not interested in text nodes we use the fourth parameter ignore_strings which defaults to false

   iex(2)>  input = [
   ...(2)>  {"ul", [], [{"li", [], ["one"], %{}}, {"li", [], ["two"], %{}}], %{}},
   ...(2)>  {"p", [], ["hello"], %{}}]
   ...(2)>  counter = fn {t, a, _, m}, c -> {{t, a, nil, Map.put(m, :count, c)}, c+1} end
   ...(2)>  map_ast_with(input, 0, counter, true)
   {[ {"ul", [], [{"li", [], ["one"], %{count: 1}}, {"li", [], ["two"], %{count: 2}}], %{count: 0}},
     {"p", [], ["hello"], %{count: 3}}], 4}

Let us describe an implementation of a real world use case taken from Elixir Forum

Simplifying the exact parsing of the text node in this example we only want to replace a text node of the form #elixir with a link to the Elixir home page but only when inside a {"p",....} node

We can achieve this as follows

  iex(3)> elixir_home = {"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Elixir"], %{}}
  ...(3)> transformer = fn {"p", atts, _, meta}, _ -> {{"p", atts, nil, meta}, true}
  ...(3)>                  "#elixir", true -> {elixir_home, false}
  ...(3)>                  text, _ when is_binary(text) -> {text, false}
  ...(3)>                  node, _ ->  {node, false} end
  ...(3)> ast = [
  ...(3)>  {"p", [],[ "#elixir"], %{}}, {"bold", [],[ "#elixir"], %{}},
  ...(3)>  {"ol", [], [{"li", [],[ "#elixir"], %{}}, {"p", [],[ "elixir"], %{}}, {"p", [], ["#elixir"], %{}}], %{}}
  ...(3)> ]
  ...(3)> map_ast_with(ast, false, transformer)
   {"p", [],[{"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Elixir"], %{}}], %{}}, {"bold", [],[ "#elixir"], %{}},
   {"ol", [], [{"li", [],[ "#elixir"], %{}}, {"p", [],[ "elixir"], %{}}, {"p", [], [{"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Elixir"], %{}}], %{}}], %{}}
  ], false}

An alternate, maybe more elegant solution would be to change the mapper function during AST traversal as demonstrated here

Postprocessors and Convenience Functions

These can be declared in the fields postprocessor and registered_processors in the Options struct, postprocessor is prepened to registered_processors and they are all applied to non string nodes (that is the quadtuples of the AST which are of the form {tag, atts, content, meta}

All postprocessors can just be functions on nodes or a TagSpecificProcessors struct which will group function applications depending on tags, as a convienience tuples of the form {tag, function} will be transformed into a TagSpecificProcessors struct.

iex(4)> add_class1 = &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "class1")
...(4)> m1 = Earmark.Options.make_options!(postprocessor: add_class1) |> make_postprocessor()
...(4)> m1.({"a", [], nil, nil})
{"a", [{"class", "class1"}], nil, nil}

We can also use the registered_processors field:

iex(5)> add_class1 = &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "class1")
...(5)> m2 = Earmark.Options.make_options!(registered_processors: add_class1) |> make_postprocessor()
...(5)> m2.({"a", [], nil, nil})
{"a", [{"class", "class1"}], nil, nil}

Knowing that values on the same attributes are added onto the front the following doctest demonstrates the order in which the processors are executed

iex(6)> add_class1 = &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "class1")
...(6)> add_class2 = &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "class2")
...(6)> add_class3 = &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "class3")
...(6)> m = Earmark.Options.make_options!(postprocessor: add_class1, registered_processors: [add_class2, {"a", add_class3}])
...(6)> |> make_postprocessor()
...(6)> [{"a", [{"class", "link"}], nil, nil}, {"b", [], nil, nil}]
...(6)> |>
[{"a", [{"class", "class3 class2 class1 link"}], nil, nil}, {"b", [{"class", "class2 class1"}], nil, nil}]

We can see that the tuple form has been transformed into a tag specific transformation only as a matter of fact, the explicit definition would be:

iex(7)> m = make_postprocessor(
...(7)>   %Earmark.Options{
...(7)>     registered_processors:
...(7)>       [{"a", &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, target: "_blank")})]})
...(7)> [{"a", [{"href", "url"}], nil, nil}, {"b", [], nil, nil}]
...(7)> |>
[{"a", [{"href", "url"}, {"target", "_blank"}], nil, nil}, {"b", [], nil, nil}]

We can also define a tag specific transformer in one step, which might (or might not) solve potential performance issues when running too many processors

iex(8)> add_class4 = &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "class4")
...(8)> add_class5 = &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "class5")
...(8)> add_class6 = &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "class6")
...(8)> tsp =[{"a", add_class5}, {"b", add_class5}])
...(8)> m = Earmark.Options.make_options!(
...(8)>       postprocessor: add_class4,
...(8)>       registered_processors: [tsp, add_class6])
...(8)> |> make_postprocessor()
...(8)> [{"a", [], nil, nil}, {"c", [], nil, nil}, {"b", [], nil, nil}]
...(8)> |>
[{"a", [{"class", "class6 class5 class4"}], nil, nil}, {"c", [{"class", "class6 class4"}], nil, nil}, {"b", [{"class", "class6 class5 class4"}], nil, nil}]

Of course the mechanics shown above is hidden if all we want is to trigger the postprocessor chain in Earmark.as_html, here goes a typical example

iex(9)> add_target = fn node -> # This will only be applied to nodes as it will become a TagSpecificProcessors
...(9)>   if Regex.match?(~r{\.x\.com\z}, Earmark.AstTools.find_att_in_node(node, "href", "")), do:
...(9)>     Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(node, target: "_blank"), else: node end
...(9)> options = [
...(9)> registered_processors: [{"a", add_target}, {"p", &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "example")}]]
...(9)> markdown = [
...(9)>   "",
...(9)>   "",
...(9)>   "[some](url)",
...(9)>  ]
...(9)> Earmark.as_html!(markdown, options)
"<p class=\"example\">\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p>\n<p class=\"example\">\n<a href=\"url\">some</a></p>\n"
Use case: Modification of Link Attributes depending on the URL

This would be done as follows

        Earmark.as_html!(markdown, registered_processors: {"a", my_function_that_is_invoked_only_with_a_nodes})
Use case: Modification of the AST according to Annotations

N.B. Annotation are an experimental feature in 1.4.16-pre and are documented here

By annotating our markdown source we can then influence the rendering. In this example we will just add some decoration

iex(10)> markdown = [ "A joke %% smile", "", "Charming %% in_love" ]
...(10)> add_smiley = fn {_, _, _, meta} = quad, _acc ->
...(10)>                case Map.get(meta, :annotation) do
...(10)>                  "%% smile"   -> {quad, "\u1F601"}
...(10)>                  "%% in_love" -> {quad, "\u1F60d"}
...(10)>                  _            -> {quad, nil}
...(10)>                end
...(10)>                text, nil -> {text, nil}
...(10)>                text, ann -> {"#{text} #{ann}", nil}
...(10)>              end
...(10)> Earmark.as_ast!(markdown, annotations: "%%") |> Earmark.Transform.map_ast_with(nil, add_smiley) |> Earmark.transform
"<p>\nA joke  ὠ1</p>\n<p>\nCharming  ὠd</p>\n"

Structure Modifying Transformers

For structure modifications a tree traversal is needed and no clear pattern of how to assist this task with tools has emerged yet.



This is a structure conserving transformation

This too is a structure perserving transformation but a value is passed to the mapping function as an accumulator, and the mapping function needs to return the new node and the accumulator as a tuple, here is a simple example

Transforms an AST to html, also accepts the result of map_ast_with for convenience


@type node_or_string() :: Earmark.ast_node() | String.t()


Link to this function


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@spec make_postprocessor(Earmark.Options.options()) ::
  (node_or_string() -> node_or_string())
Link to this function

map_ast(ast, fun, ignore_strings \\ false)

View Source

This is a structure conserving transformation

iex(11)> {:ok, ast, _} = Earmark.Parser.as_ast("- one\n- two\n")
...(11)> map_ast(ast, &(&1))
[{"ul", [], [{"li", [], ["one"], %{}}, {"li", [], ["two"], %{}}], %{}}]

A more useful transformation

iex(12)> {:ok, ast, _} = Earmark.Parser.as_ast("- one\n- two\n")
...(12)> fun = fn {_, _, _, _}=n -> Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(n, class: "private")
...(12)>           string      -> string end
...(12)> map_ast(ast, fun)
[{"ul", [{"class", "private"}], [{"li", [{"class", "private"}], ["one"], %{}}, {"li", [{"class", "private"}], ["two"], %{}}], %{}}]

However the usage of the ignore_strings option renders the code much simpler

iex(13)> {:ok, ast, _} = Earmark.Parser.as_ast("- one\n- two\n")
...(13)> map_ast(ast, &Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(&1, class: "private"), true)
[{"ul", [{"class", "private"}], [{"li", [{"class", "private"}], ["one"], %{}}, {"li", [{"class", "private"}], ["two"], %{}}], %{}}]
Link to this function

map_ast_with(ast, value, fun, ignore_strings \\ false)

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@spec map_ast_with(
  (Earmark.ast_node(), any() -> {Earmark.ast_node(), any()}),
) :: {Earmark.ast(), any()}

This too is a structure perserving transformation but a value is passed to the mapping function as an accumulator, and the mapping function needs to return the new node and the accumulator as a tuple, here is a simple example

iex(14)> {:ok, ast, _} = Earmark.Parser.as_ast("- 1\n\n2\n- 3\n")
...(14)> summer = fn {"li", _, [v], _}=n, s -> {v_, _} = Integer.parse(v); {n, s + v_}
...(14)>             n, s -> {n, s} end
...(14)> map_ast_with(ast, 0, summer, true)
{[{"ul", [], [{"li", [], ["1"], %{}}], %{}}, {"p", [], ["2"], %{}}, {"ul", [], [{"li", [], ["3"], %{}}], %{}}], 4}

or summing all numbers

iex(15)> {:ok, ast, _} = Earmark.Parser.as_ast("- 1\n\n2\n- 3\n")
...(15)> summer = fn {_, _, _, _}=n, s -> {n, s}
...(15)>             n, s -> {n_, _} = Integer.parse(n); {"*", s+n_} end
...(15)> map_ast_with(ast, 0, summer)
{[{"ul", [], [{"li", [], ["*"], %{}}], %{}}, {"p", [], ["*"], %{}}, {"ul", [], [{"li", [], ["*"], %{}}], %{}}], 6}
Link to this function

transform(ast, options \\ %{initial_indent: 0, indent: 2, compact_output: false})

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@spec transform(Earmark.ast_node(), Earmark.Options.options()) :: String.t()

Transforms an AST to html, also accepts the result of map_ast_with for convenience