View Source Earmark.Parser.Enum.Ext (Earmark v1.4.47)

Some extensions of Enum functions



reduce_with_end is like Enum.reduce for lists, but the reducer function is called for each element of the list with the tuple {:element, element} and the accumulator and once more at the end with :end and the accumulator

Like map_reduce but reversing the list


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reduce_with_end(collection, initial_acc, reducer_fn)

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reduce_with_end is like Enum.reduce for lists, but the reducer function is called for each element of the list with the tuple {:element, element} and the accumulator and once more at the end with :end and the accumulator

iex(1)> reducer =
...(1)>   fn {:element, nil}, {partial, result} -> {[], [Enum.sum(partial)|result]}
...(1)>      {:element, val}, {partial, result} -> {[val|partial], result}
...(1)>      :end,            {partial, result} -> [Enum.sum(partial)|result] |> Enum.reverse
...(1)>   end
...(1)> [1, 2, nil, 4, 1, 0, nil, 3, 2, 2]
...(1)> |> reduce_with_end({[], []}, reducer)
[3, 5, 7]

N.B. that in the treatment of :end we can change the shape of the accumulator w/o any penalty concerning the complexity of the reducer function

Link to this function

reverse_map_reduce(list, initial, fun)

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Like map_reduce but reversing the list

iex(2)> replace_nil_and_count = fn ele, acc ->
...(2)>   if ele, do: {ele, acc}, else: {"", acc + 1}
...(2)> end
...(2)> ["y", nil, "u", nil, nil, "a", nil] |> reverse_map_reduce(0, replace_nil_and_count)
{ ["", "a", "", "", "u", "", "y"], 4 }