View Source Ethers.Contracts.ENS (Ethers v0.6.2)
Ethereum Name Service (ENS) Contract
Default address of the contract. Returns nil
if not specified.
Prepares contract constructor values for deployment.
Prepares isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares old()
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares owner(bytes32 node)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares recordExists(bytes32 node)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares resolver(bytes32 node)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares setOwner(bytes32 node, address owner)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares setRecord(bytes32 node, address owner, address resolver, uint64 ttl)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares setResolver(bytes32 node, address resolver)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares setSubnodeOwner(bytes32 node, bytes32 label, address owner)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares setSubnodeRecord(bytes32 node, bytes32 label, address owner, address resolver, uint64 ttl)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares setTTL(bytes32 node, uint64 ttl)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares ttl(bytes32 node)
call parameters on the contract.
@spec __default_address__() :: Ethers.Types.t_address()
Default address of the contract. Returns nil
if not specified.
To specify a default address see Ethers.Contract
@spec constructor(Ethers.Types.t_address()) :: binary()
Prepares contract constructor values for deployment.
To deploy a contracts use Ethers.deploy/2
and pass the result of this function as
- _old:
@spec is_approved_for_all(Ethers.Types.t_address(), Ethers.Types.t_address()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- owner:
- operator:
Return Types (when called with
@spec old() :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares old()
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Return Types (when called with
@spec owner(<<_::256>>) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares owner(bytes32 node)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
Return Types (when called with
@spec record_exists(<<_::256>>) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares recordExists(bytes32 node)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
Return Types (when called with
@spec resolver(<<_::256>>) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares resolver(bytes32 node)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
Return Types (when called with
@spec set_approval_for_all(Ethers.Types.t_address(), boolean()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- operator:
- approved:
Return Types (when called with
This function does not return any values!
@spec set_owner(<<_::256>>, Ethers.Types.t_address()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares setOwner(bytes32 node, address owner)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
- owner:
Return Types (when called with
This function does not return any values!
@spec set_record( <<_::256>>, Ethers.Types.t_address(), Ethers.Types.t_address(), non_neg_integer() ) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares setRecord(bytes32 node, address owner, address resolver, uint64 ttl)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
- owner:
- resolver:
- ttl:
{:uint, 64}
Return Types (when called with
This function does not return any values!
@spec set_resolver(<<_::256>>, Ethers.Types.t_address()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares setResolver(bytes32 node, address resolver)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
- resolver:
Return Types (when called with
This function does not return any values!
@spec set_subnode_owner(<<_::256>>, <<_::256>>, Ethers.Types.t_address()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares setSubnodeOwner(bytes32 node, bytes32 label, address owner)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
- label:
{:bytes, 32}
- owner:
Return Types (when called with
{:bytes, 32}
@spec set_subnode_record( <<_::256>>, <<_::256>>, Ethers.Types.t_address(), Ethers.Types.t_address(), non_neg_integer() ) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares setSubnodeRecord(bytes32 node, bytes32 label, address owner, address resolver, uint64 ttl)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
- label:
{:bytes, 32}
- owner:
- resolver:
- ttl:
{:uint, 64}
Return Types (when called with
This function does not return any values!
@spec set_ttl(<<_::256>>, non_neg_integer()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares setTTL(bytes32 node, uint64 ttl)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
- ttl:
{:uint, 64}
Return Types (when called with
This function does not return any values!
@spec ttl(<<_::256>>) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares ttl(bytes32 node)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- node:
{:bytes, 32}
Return Types (when called with
{:uint, 64}