View Source Ethers.Contracts.ERC1155 (Ethers v0.6.2)
ERC1155 token interface
More info:
Default address of the contract. Returns nil
if not specified.
Prepares balanceOf(address account, uint256 id)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares balanceOfBatch(address[] accounts, uint256[] ids)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares contract constructor values for deployment.
Prepares isApprovedForAll(address account, address operator)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares safeBatchTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values, bytes data)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 value, bytes data)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares uri(uint256)
call parameters on the contract.
@spec __default_address__() :: nil
Default address of the contract. Returns nil
if not specified.
To specify a default address see Ethers.Contract
@spec balance_of(Ethers.Types.t_address(), non_neg_integer()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares balanceOf(address account, uint256 id)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- account:
- id:
{:uint, 256}
Return Types (when called with
{:uint, 256}
@spec balance_of_batch([Ethers.Types.t_address()], [non_neg_integer()]) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares balanceOfBatch(address[] accounts, uint256[] ids)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- accounts:
{:array, :address}
- ids:
{:array, {:uint, 256}}
Return Types (when called with
{:array, {:uint, 256}}
@spec constructor() :: binary()
Prepares contract constructor values for deployment.
To deploy a contracts use Ethers.deploy/2
and pass the result of this function as
@spec is_approved_for_all(Ethers.Types.t_address(), Ethers.Types.t_address()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares isApprovedForAll(address account, address operator)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- account:
- operator:
Return Types (when called with
@spec safe_batch_transfer_from( Ethers.Types.t_address(), Ethers.Types.t_address(), [non_neg_integer()], [non_neg_integer()], binary() ) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares safeBatchTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values, bytes data)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- from:
- to:
- ids:
{:array, {:uint, 256}}
- values:
{:array, {:uint, 256}}
- data:
Return Types (when called with
This function does not return any values!
@spec safe_transfer_from( Ethers.Types.t_address(), Ethers.Types.t_address(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), binary() ) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 value, bytes data)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- from:
- to:
- id:
{:uint, 256}
- value:
{:uint, 256}
- data:
Return Types (when called with
This function does not return any values!
@spec set_approval_for_all(Ethers.Types.t_address(), boolean()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
No amount of Ether can be sent with this function.
State mutability: non_payable
Function Parameter Types
- operator:
- approved:
Return Types (when called with
This function does not return any values!
@spec supports_interface(<<_::32>>) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- interfaceId:
{:bytes, 4}
Return Types (when called with
@spec uri(non_neg_integer()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares uri(uint256)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
{:uint, 256}
Return Types (when called with