View Source Ethers.Contracts.ERC1155.EventFilters (Ethers v0.6.2)

Events for Ethers.Contracts.ERC1155



Create event filter for ApprovalForAll(address account, address operator, bool approved)

Create event filter for TransferBatch(address operator, address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values)

Create event filter for TransferSingle(address operator, address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 value)

Create event filter for URI(string value, uint256 id)


approval_for_all(account, operator)

@spec approval_for_all(Ethers.Types.t_address() | nil, Ethers.Types.t_address() | nil) ::

Create event filter for ApprovalForAll(address account, address operator, bool approved)

For each indexed parameter you can either pass in the value you want to filter or nil if you don't want to filter.

Parameter Types (Event indexed topics)

  • account: :address
  • operator: :address

Event data Types (when called with Ethers.get_logs/2)

These are non-indexed topics (often referred to as data) of the event log.

  • approved: :bool

transfer_batch(operator, from, to)

@spec transfer_batch(
  Ethers.Types.t_address() | nil,
  Ethers.Types.t_address() | nil,
  Ethers.Types.t_address() | nil
) :: Ethers.EventFilter.t()

Create event filter for TransferBatch(address operator, address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values)

For each indexed parameter you can either pass in the value you want to filter or nil if you don't want to filter.

Parameter Types (Event indexed topics)

  • operator: :address
  • from: :address
  • to: :address

Event data Types (when called with Ethers.get_logs/2)

These are non-indexed topics (often referred to as data) of the event log.

  • ids: {:array, {:uint, 256}}
  • values: {:array, {:uint, 256}}

transfer_single(operator, from, to)

@spec transfer_single(
  Ethers.Types.t_address() | nil,
  Ethers.Types.t_address() | nil,
  Ethers.Types.t_address() | nil
) :: Ethers.EventFilter.t()

Create event filter for TransferSingle(address operator, address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 value)

For each indexed parameter you can either pass in the value you want to filter or nil if you don't want to filter.

Parameter Types (Event indexed topics)

  • operator: :address
  • from: :address
  • to: :address

Event data Types (when called with Ethers.get_logs/2)

These are non-indexed topics (often referred to as data) of the event log.

  • id: {:uint, 256}
  • value: {:uint, 256}


@spec uri(String.t() | nil) :: Ethers.EventFilter.t()

Create event filter for URI(string value, uint256 id)

For each indexed parameter you can either pass in the value you want to filter or nil if you don't want to filter.

Parameter Types (Event indexed topics)

  • id: {:uint, 256}

Event data Types (when called with Ethers.get_logs/2)

These are non-indexed topics (often referred to as data) of the event log.

  • value: :string