View Source Ethers.Transaction.Legacy (Ethers v0.6.3)

Legacy transaction struct and implementation of Transaction.Protocol.




Legacy transaction type (Type-0) incorporating the following fields



@type t() :: %Ethers.Transaction.Legacy{
  chain_id: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  gas: non_neg_integer(),
  gas_price: non_neg_integer(),
  input: binary(),
  nonce: non_neg_integer(),
  to: Ethers.Types.t_address() | nil,
  value: non_neg_integer()

Legacy transaction type (Type-0) incorporating the following fields:

  • nonce: Transaction sequence number for the sending account
  • gas_price: Price willing to pay for each unit of gas (in wei)
  • gas: Maximum number of gas units willing to pay for
  • to: Recipient address or nil for contract creation
  • value: Amount of ether to transfer in wei
  • input: Transaction data payload, also called 'data'
  • chain_id: Network ID from EIP-155, defaults to nil for legacy