View Source Ethers.Utils (Ethers v0.5.2)

Utilities for interacting with ethereum blockchain



Returns the nearest block number to a given date and time.

Convert WEI to ETH

Returns the timestamp for a given block number.

Decode from hex with (or without) 0x prefix.

Same as hex_decode/1 but raises on error

Encode to hex with 0x prefix.

Converts a hexadecimal integer to integer form

Same as hex_to_integer/1 but raises on error

Converts integer to its hexadecimal form

Adds gas limit estimation to the parameters if not already exists

Converts human readable argument to the form required for ABI encoding.

Calculates address of a given public key. Public key can be in compressed or decompressed format either with or without prefix. It can also be hex encoded.

Will convert an upper or lowercase Ethereum address to a checksum address.

Converts ETH to WEI

Checks the checksum of a given address. Will also return false on non-checksum addresses.


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date_to_block_number(date_or_date_time, ref_block_number \\ nil, opts \\ [])

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@spec date_to_block_number(
  Date.t() | DateTime.t() | non_neg_integer(),
  non_neg_integer() | nil,
) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:error, term()}

Returns the nearest block number to a given date and time.


  • date_or_date_time: Can be a Date, DateTime or an integer unix timestamp.
  • ref_block_number: A block number of reference which is closer to the target block. Can make search time faster if given. (Defaults to current block number)
  • opts: Optional extra options.
    • acceptable_drift: Can be set to override the default acceptable_drift of 120 seconds. This value can be reduced for more accurate results.
    • sample_size: Can be set to override the default sample_size of 5000 blocks.
    • backoff_timeout: An optional backoff in milliseconds that will happen between RPC calls. (Useful to prevent quote errors)
@spec from_wei(integer()) :: float()

Convert WEI to ETH


iex> Ethers.Utils.from_wei(1000000000000000000)

iex> Ethers.Utils.from_wei(3140000000000000000)

iex> Ethers.Utils.from_wei(-10000000000000000000)
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get_block_timestamp(block_number, opts \\ [])

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@spec get_block_timestamp(non_neg_integer() | String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:error, :negative_block_number | :block_not_found | term()}

Returns the timestamp for a given block number.

The block_number parameter can be a non negative integer or the hex encoded value of that integer. (The hex encoding must start with 0x prefix)

@spec hex_decode(String.t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | :error

Decode from hex with (or without) 0x prefix.


iex> Ethers.Utils.hex_decode("0x6574686572735f6578")
{:ok, "ethers_ex"}

iex> Ethers.Utils.hex_decode("6574686572735f6578")
{:ok, "ethers_ex"}

iex> Ethers.Utils.hex_decode("0x686")
{:ok, <<6, 134>>}
@spec hex_decode!(String.t()) :: binary() | no_return()

Same as hex_decode/1 but raises on error


iex> Ethers.Utils.hex_decode!("0x6574686572735f6578")

iex> Ethers.Utils.hex_decode!("6574686572735f6578")
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hex_encode(bin, include_prefix \\ true)

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Encode to hex with 0x prefix.


iex> Ethers.Utils.hex_encode("ethers_ex")
@spec hex_to_integer(String.t()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:error, :invalid_hex}

Converts a hexadecimal integer to integer form


iex> Ethers.Utils.hex_to_integer("0x11111")
{:ok, 69905}
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@spec hex_to_integer!(String.t()) :: non_neg_integer() | no_return()

Same as hex_to_integer/1 but raises on error


iex> Ethers.Utils.hex_to_integer!("0x11111")
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human_arg(argument, arg2)

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@spec human_arg(term(), ABI.FunctionSelector.type()) :: term()

Reverse of prepare_arg/2


iex> Ethers.Utils.human_arg(<<192, 42, 170, 57, 178, 35, 254, 141, 10, 14, 92, 79, 39,
...> 234, 217, 8, 60, 117, 108, 194>>, :address)

iex> Ethers.Utils.human_arg("0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2", :address)
@spec integer_to_hex(non_neg_integer()) :: String.t()

Converts integer to its hexadecimal form


iex> Ethers.Utils.integer_to_hex(69905)
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maybe_add_gas_limit(params, opts \\ [])

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Adds gas limit estimation to the parameters if not already exists

If option mult is given, a gas limit multiplied by mult divided by 1000 will be used. Default for mult is 100. (1%)

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prepare_arg(argument, arg2)

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@spec prepare_arg(term(), ABI.FunctionSelector.type()) :: term()

Converts human readable argument to the form required for ABI encoding.

For example the addresses in Ethereum are represented by hex strings in human readable format but are in 160-bit binaries in ABI form.


iex> Ethers.Utils.prepare_arg("0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2", :address)
<<192, 42, 170, 57, 178, 35, 254, 141, 10, 14, 92, 79, 39, 234, 217, 8, 60, 117, 108, 194>>
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public_key_to_address(public_key, use_checksum_address \\ true)

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Calculates address of a given public key. Public key can be in compressed or decompressed format either with or without prefix. It can also be hex encoded.


iex> Utils.public_key_to_address("0x04e68acfc0253a10620dff706b0a1b1f1f5833ea3beb3bde2250d5f271f3563606672ebc45e0b7ea2e816ecb70ca03137b1c9476eec63d4632e990020b7b6fba39")

iex> Utils.public_key_to_address("0x03e68acfc0253a10620dff706b0a1b1f1f5833ea3beb3bde2250d5f271f3563606")
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@spec to_checksum_address(Ethers.Types.t_address()) :: Ethers.Types.t_address()

Will convert an upper or lowercase Ethereum address to a checksum address.


iex> Ethers.Utils.to_checksum_address("0xc1912fee45d61c87cc5ea59dae31190fffff232d")

iex> Ethers.Utils.to_checksum_address("0XC1912FEE45D61C87CC5EA59DAE31190FFFFF232D")
@spec to_wei(number()) :: integer()

Converts ETH to WEI


iex> Ethers.Utils.to_wei(1)

iex> Ethers.Utils.to_wei(3.14)

iex> Ethers.Utils.to_wei(0)

iex> Ethers.Utils.to_wei(-10)
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@spec valid_checksum_address?(Ethers.Types.t_address()) :: boolean()

Checks the checksum of a given address. Will also return false on non-checksum addresses.


iex> Ethers.Utils.valid_checksum_address?("0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d")

iex> Ethers.Utils.valid_checksum_address?("0xc1912fee45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d")