View Source mix (Hex v2.0.6)

Builds a new local version of your package.

The package .tar file is created in the current directory, but is not pushed to the repository. An app named foo at version 1.2.3 will be built as foo-1.2.3.tar.

$ mix



  • :app - Package name (required).
  • :version - Package version (required).
  • :deps - List of package dependencies (see Dependencies below).
  • :description - Short description of the project.
  • :package - Hex specific configuration (see Package configuration below).



Dependencies are defined in mix's dependency format. But instead of using :git or :path as the SCM :package is used.

defp deps() do
    {:ecto, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:postgrex, "~> 0.3.0"},
    {:cowboy, github: "extend/cowboy"}

As can be seen Hex package dependencies works alongside git dependencies. Important to note is that non-Hex dependencies will not be used during dependency resolution and neither will they be listed as dependencies of the package.


Package configuration

Additional metadata of the package can optionally be defined, but it is very recommended to do so.

  • :name - Set this if the package name is not the same as the application name.
  • :files - List of files and directories to include in the package, can include wildcards. Defaults to ["lib", "priv", ".formatter.exs", "mix.exs", "README*", "readme*", "LICENSE*", "license*", "CHANGELOG*", "changelog*", "src", "c_src", "Makefile*"].
  • :exclude_patterns - List of patterns matching files and directories to exclude from the package.
  • :licenses - List of licenses used by the package.
  • :links - Map of links relevant to the package.
  • :build_tools - List of build tools that can build the package. Hex will try to automatically detect the build tools based on the files in the package. If a rebar or rebar.config file is present Hex will mark it as able to build with rebar. This detection can be overridden by setting this field.


Command line options

  • --unpack - Builds the tarball and unpacks contents into a directory. Useful for making sure the tarball contains all needed files before publishing. See --output below for setting the output path.

  • -o, --output - Sets output path. When used with --unpack it means the directory (Default: <app>-<version>). Otherwise, it specifies tarball path (Default: <app>-<version>.tar)