View Source mix hex.config (Hex v2.0.6)

Reads, updates or deletes local Hex config.


List config keys and values

$ mix hex.config


Get or delete config value for KEY

$ mix hex.config KEY [--delete]


Set config KEY to VALUE

$ mix hex.config KEY VALUE


Config keys

  • api_key - Your API key. If you are authenticated this config will override the API key used for your authenticated user. Can be also be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_API_KEY
  • api_url - Hex API URL. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_API_URL (Default: "")
  • offline - If set to true Hex will not fetch the registry or packages and will instead use locally cached files if they are available. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_OFFLINE (Default: false)
  • unsafe_https - If set to true Hex will not verify HTTPS certificates. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_UNSAFE_HTTPS (Default: false)
  • unsafe_registry - If set to true Hex will not verify the registry signature against the repository's public key. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_UNSAFE_REGISTRY (Default: false)
  • no_verify_repo_origin - If set to true Hex will not verify the registry origin. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_NO_VERIFY_REPO_ORIGIN (Default: false)
  • http_proxy - HTTP proxy server. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HTTP_PROXY
  • https_proxy - HTTPS proxy server. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HTTPS_PROXY
  • no_proxy - A comma separated list of hostnames that will not be proxied, asterisks can be used as wildcards. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable no_proxy or NO_PROXY
  • http_concurrency - Limits the number of concurrent HTTP requests in flight. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_HTTP_CONCURRENCY (Default: 8)
  • http_timeout - Sets the timeout for HTTP requests in seconds. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_HTTP_TIMEOUT
  • mirror_url - Hex mirror URL. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_TRUSTED_MIRROR
  • trusted_mirror_url - Hex mirror URL. Unlike mirror_url, this mirror is "trusted", secrets such as authentication information will be sent to the mirror. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_TRUSTED_MIRROR
  • cacerts_path - Path to the CA certificate store PEM file. If not set, a CA bundle that ships with Hex is used. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_CACERTS_PATH
  • no_short_urls - If set to true Hex will not shorten any links. Can be overridden by setting the environment variable HEX_NO_SHORT_URLS (Default: false)

Hex responds to these additional environment variables:

  • HEX_HOME - directory where Hex stores the cache and configuration (Default: ~/.hex)

  • MIX_XDG - asks Hex to follow the XDG Directory Specification for its home directory and configuration files. HEX_HOME has higher preference than MIX_XDG. If none of the variables are set, the default directory ~/.hex will be used.


Config overrides

All keys from the "Config keys" section above can be overridden.

Hex uses the following order of precedence when computing a value for a given key:

  1. System environment

    Setting for example HEX_API_URL environment variable has always the highest precedence for the api_url config key.

  2. Project configuration

    Hex allows an optional, per-project configuration in the mix.exs file. For example, to override api_url config key, add the following:

    # mix.exs
    defmodule MyApp.MixProject
      def project() do
          # ...
          deps: deps(),
          hex: hex()
      defp hex() do
          api_url: "https://hex.myorg/api"
  3. Global configuration using mix hex.config KEY VALUE

  4. Default value


Command line options

  • --delete - Remove a specific config key