View Source mix hex.owner (Hex v2.0.6)

Adds, removes or lists package owners.

Package owners have full permissions to the package. They can publish and revert releases and even remove other package owners.


Add owner

Adds an owner to package by specifying the package name and email or username of the new owner. This command also takes a --level option, see below for more details.

$ mix hex.owner add PACKAGE EMAIL_OR_USERNAME


Transfer ownership

Like mix hex.owner add but also removes all existing owners of the package. This task is required to use when transferring ownership of the package to an organization.

$ mix hex.owner transfer PACKAGE EMAIL_OR_USERNAME


Remove owner

Removes an owner to package by specifying the package name and email or username of the new owner.

$ mix hex.owner remove PACKAGE EMAIL_OR_USERNAME


List owners

Lists all owners of given package.

$ mix hex.owner list PACKAGE


List owned packages

Lists all packages owned by the current user.

$ mix hex.owner packages


Command line options

  • --level maintainer - Maintainer level owners have all the powers of package ownership, except they cannot add or remove other package owners
  • --level full - Over the maintainer level, full owners can also add and remove other package owners (default)
  • --organization ORGANIZATION - Set this for private packages belonging to an organization