View Source mix hex.user (Hex v2.0.6)

Hex user tasks.


Register a new user

$ mix hex.user register


Print the current user

$ mix hex.user whoami


Authorize a new user

Authorizes a new user on the local machine by generating a new API key and storing it in the Hex config.

$ mix hex.user auth [--key-name KEY_NAME]


Command line options

  • --key-name KEY_NAME - By default Hex will base the key name on your machine's hostname, use this option to give your own name.


Deauthorize the user

Deauthorizes the user from the local machine by removing the API key from the Hex config.

$ mix hex.user deauth


Generate user key

Generates an unencrypted API key for your account. Keys generated by this command will be owned by you and will give access to your private resources, do not share this key with anyone. For keys that will be shared by organization members use mix hex.organization key instead. By default this command sets the api:write permission which allows write access to the API, it can be overridden with the --permission flag.

$ mix hex.user key generate


Command line options

  • --key-name KEY_NAME - By default Hex will base the key name on your machine's hostname, use this option to give your own name.

  • --permission PERMISSION - Sets the permissions on the key, this option can be given multiple times, possible values are:

    • api:read - API read access.
    • api:write - API write access.
    • repository:ORGANIZATION_NAME - Access to given organization repository.
    • repositories - Access to repositories for all organizations you are member of.


Revoke key

Removes given key from account.

The key can no longer be used to authenticate API requests.

$ mix hex.user key revoke KEY_NAME


Revoke all keys

Revoke all keys from your account.

$ mix hex.user key revoke --all


List keys

Lists all keys associated with your account.

$ mix hex.user key list


Reset user account password

Starts the process for resetting account password.

$ mix hex.user reset_password account


Reset local password

Updates the local password for your local authentication credentials.

$ mix hex.user reset_password local