View Source Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.Mempool (Kadena v0.19.1)

Mempool endpoints implementation for P2P API.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

@type error() :: {:error, Kadena.Chainweb.Error.t()}
@type json() :: String.t()
@type location() :: String.t()
@type mempool_response() ::
  | Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.MempoolCheckResponse.t()
  | Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.MempoolLookupResponse
@type network_id() :: :mainnet01 | :testnet04
@type network_opts() :: Keyword.t()
@type request_keys() :: [String.t()]
@type response() :: {:ok, mempool_response()} | error()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

check_pending_txs(request_keys \\ [], network_opts \\ [])

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@spec check_pending_txs(
  request_keys :: request_keys(),
  network_opts :: network_opts()
) :: response()
Link to this function

lookup_pending_txs(request_keys \\ [], network_opts \\ [])

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@spec lookup_pending_txs(
  request_keys :: request_keys(),
  network_opts :: network_opts()
) :: response()
Link to this function

retrieve_pending_txs(network_opts \\ [])

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@spec retrieve_pending_txs(network_opts :: network_opts()) :: response()