View Source Pow.Phoenix.Routes behaviour (Pow v1.0.39)
Module that handles routes.
defmodule MyAppWeb.Pow.Routes do
use Pow.Phoenix.Routes
use MyAppWeb, :verified_routes
@impl true
def after_sign_out_path(conn), do: ~p"/some-path"
Update configuration with routes_backend: MyAppWeb.Pow.Routes
You can also customize path generation:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Pow.Routes do
use Pow.Phoenix.Routes
use MyAppWeb, :verified_routes
@impl true
def url_for(conn, verb, vars \ [], query_params \ [])
def url_for(conn, PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.ConfirmationController, :show, [token], _query_params),
do: ~p"/custom-confirmation/#{token}"
def url_for(conn, plug, verb, vars, query_params),
do: Pow.Phoenix.Routes.url_for(conn, plug, verb, vars, query_params)
Path to redirect user to when user has signed up.
Path to redirect user to when user has signed in.
Path to redirect user to when user has signed out.
Path to redirect user to when user has deleted their account.
Path to redirect user to when user has updated their account.
Generates a path route.
Generates a url route.
Path to redirect user to when user has already been authenticated.
Path to redirect user to when user is not authenticated.
@callback after_registration_path(Plug.Conn.t()) :: binary()
@callback after_sign_in_path(Plug.Conn.t()) :: binary()
@callback after_sign_out_path(Plug.Conn.t()) :: binary()
@callback after_user_deleted_path(Plug.Conn.t()) :: binary()
@callback after_user_updated_path(Plug.Conn.t()) :: binary()
@callback registration_path(Plug.Conn.t(), atom()) :: binary()
@callback session_path(Plug.Conn.t(), atom(), list()) :: binary()
@callback user_already_authenticated_path(Plug.Conn.t()) :: binary()
@callback user_not_authenticated_path(Plug.Conn.t()) :: binary()
Path to redirect user to when user has signed up.
By default this is the same as after_sign_in_path/1
Path to redirect user to when user has signed in.
This will look for a :request_path
assigns key, and redirect to this value
if it exists.
Path to redirect user to when user has signed out.
Path to redirect user to when user has deleted their account.
By default this is the same as after_sign_out_path/1
Path to redirect user to when user has updated their account.
Generates a path route.
Generates a url route.
Path to redirect user to when user has already been authenticated.
By default this is the same as after_sign_in_path/1
Path to redirect user to when user is not authenticated.
This will put a :request_path
param into the path that can be used to
redirect users back the the page they first attempted to visit. See
for how :request_path
is handled.
The :request_path
will only be added if the request uses "GET" method.
See Pow.Phoenix.SessionController
for more on how this value is handled.